United States / Mississippi / Greenwood Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Greenwood, Mississippi

Third World Hell Hole
Star Rating - 3/22/2009
Stay out of Greenwood, MS. Dont even consider moving there. There is nothing there but heat, humidity and mud. No one goes out after dark. The mosquitos are so thick they would suck you dry before you got to your car. There's nothing for 2 1/2 hours in any direction but cotton fields and it's the most poverty ridden place I have ever seen in my life. The shabby bare foot African Americans live in run down shacks while the tiny 10% white population live in a completly different world of company owned expensive spas and gourmet dining. Racisim is alive and thriving in Greenwood MS.

The only thing this place would be good for is to bus school children on field trips to show them how bad it was back before the civil rights movment.

There are alot more bad things about this place I could tell you such as the waterbug infestation, the lizards that get in your bed and the 'delta cruds' (a low level illness you get as soon as you move there that never goes away until you move out) but; there is not one single good thing I have to say about it.

It is a third world hell hole.
cc | Cedar Falls, IA
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