United States / Mississippi / Jackson Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Jackson, Mississippi

Living in the Jackson area @ a glance
Star Rating - 3/20/2010
The city of Jackson and its surrounding areas has its pros and cons. I grew up in the city of Jackson and it's not such a bad place depending on where you live. All major cities have there share of crime problems. The hugest obstacle to face in my opinion is the segragation of races. We all realize that this factor won't disappear overnight realizing Mississippi's racial history. If you are looking to move to the Jackson area, this issue shouldn't be a huge shock. The weather is very mild except for the summer. It's very hot and humid. When it snows in the winter (not too often), schools and many jobs shut down. Speaking of jobs, there are plenty in the medical and educational fields. Over the past 20 years, the families with high incomes left the city of Jackson and have built homes and businesses in the surrounding small towns. Most still work in Jackson, but live outside of it. Jackson's tax payer's pool has substNtially dropped. This has effected the quality of living negatively in many ways. Instead of streets being fixed, they are patched up every 5 months. Traffic is not a problem at all. The downtown area currently has no entertainment. There are a few projects but they are slowly being developed. Overall, if you are looking for a small major city to live in and high levels of racial segragation don't bother you, Jackson or it's surrounding areas may be the place for you.
Willie | Pearl, MS
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They do that in a lot of places where the financial investment is OUTSIDE OF THE CITY AND THE CITY IS JUST A PLACE YOU WORK.
Jacklyn | Athens, GA | Report Abuse

Ummm...I am from the Midwest. PLEASE. THE SEGREGATION OF RACES EXIST ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is not exclusive to Jackson nor the South. I get sick and tired of reading this complaint as if this only happens in the South. I was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. THAT IS HIGHLY SEGREGATED AND VERY RACIST. I DON'T CARE WHAT "LIBERAL" OR "PROGRESSIVE" AIRS IT PUTS ON. Anywhere you go in the USA, you are going to know where the poor blacks live, where the poor whites live, where the rich whites lives and so on. Furthermore, who cares if an area is integrated or segregated, what is important is that the area is AFFLUENT, SAFE, WELL MAINTAINED. WHAT DOES LIVING WITH SOMEONE OF ANOTHER RACE OR BEING AROUND PEOPLE OF ANOTHER RACE HAS TO DO WITH MAKING SURE YOU ARE SAFE, IN A CLEAN AREA, IT HAS THE AMENITIES THAT YOU NEED, NICE HOMES, NICE OUTSIDE AREAS--IT DOESN'T. The only reason Black people are concerned with integration because they want what white people have and figure integration would provide them with the lifestyle and material assets and wealth that white people have. Integration is a mechanism, not the end goal. What is more important here? A quality lifestyle with the resources that you need or living next to someone who is different from you? Priorities?
Jacklyn | Athens, GA | Report Abuse