Review of Kalispell, Montana

Jason’s review is dead accurate, 20 yr resident.
Star Rating - 4/28/2019
Kalispell resident of 20 years with small children. We are finally getting the eff out of dodge aka Kalispell. RUN away, far far away and don’t look back! DO NOT bring your children to this frozen hell hole! LOOK at the statistics; meth, suicide, abuse, sex offenders at every corner, no jobs, no rentals. We are a couple days away from May and it SNOWED! It’s freezing and there’s no sun. Most residents here suffer from depression in the dark winters sunrise at 9am susnset at 5pm and you have to take vitamin D supplements even through the summer months....Yes, it’s beautiful, yes it’s free and wild. It’s a wonderful place to visit but I will never come back. If you watch the movie “the Grey” with Liam Neesen than you will get a good “comparison” of MT, it’s people, it’s unforgiving climate and the cloud of depression that hovers above. This is a small town and everyone knows everybody’s business therefore be forewarned, people you don’t know will claim to know you better than you know yourself. It’s all about who you know here not necessarily you’re skills. You could have more skills and knowledge than anyone in the company and just because Jane Doe knows the big boss even though she doesn’t know half of what you know she’ll end up getting the job. Education is lacking and you had better pray to God you never get any sort of serious illness because the doctors here won’t be able to figure it out until it’s too late... I strongly suggest you take my advice and become a tourist not a resident however if you do not heed my warning and become a resident anyways may the Lord have mercy on your soul .....GoT reference “winter is coming” has an all too real meaning in this northern Montana town. Quick fact: over 10 of my friends or acquaintances from elementary through high school have either killed themselves, killed their children or have been killed by drunk drivers. That’s a large number for such a small town. Don’t even get me started on all the abuse or partner/family member assault! If you don’t believe me check out Flathead county jail roster and see for yourself. All the crazies are here. There’s a joke that people here always say “must be somethin in the water”. They’re wrong though, it’s not the water...
A | Kalispell, MT
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7 Replies

I totally agree. From first glance, this place looks like heaven. As soon as you go to buy something and the cashier meets you with the deathstare, you know something aint right. Its better than alot of places, but full of do gooders and snidy people. Theres the good, the bad, the trashy, the rude, the drunken, and the ugly. There is alot to do out here though, but if your not ready for wranglers, beer and big trucks, then do yourself a deed and only be a tourist.
Michael | Columbia Falls, MT | Report Abuse Fri 10/9/2020 1:57 PM Dear Deborah, Thank you for taking the time to contact me. It is good to hear from you. I appreciate hearing your thoughts about welfare programs, and in particular SSI. While it is important to provide a safety net for the most in need across our nation, I do not believe recipients in these programs are helpless. With a national debt over $23 trillion, it is also important for Washington to examine all federal programs and agencies and identify and eliminate wasteful spending. Given the limited funding and resources available for welfare programs, I believe that it is important to ensure that we are properly allocating assistance to individuals and families who need it most. That is why our welfare system should be about empowerment, opportunity, professional advancement, and responsibility. Benefits should provide temporary help, not a permanent way of life. There will be cases, particularly when a person is severely injured with permanent injuries, that more assistance may be needed and as a nation we can help them. For others, it should only be temporary and limited to insure the resources will be available for those who really do need long-term support. Please be assured that I will keep your comments in mind as I continue my work in the Senate. Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with me. I value your input. John Barrasso, M.D. United States Senator
Deborah | Linda, CA | Report Abuse

I moved to Kalispell/Somers Montana 10 years ago to retire because it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen and it was the perfect blend of smaller town, nicer people and a quality of life that had been missing after 25 years in LA. I'm lucky enough to afford a house on the Flathead Lake with one of the best views in the world but I can only rarely enjoy it because the weather and wildfire smoke make it totally miserable here and I can't see the mountains. For the the last 3 years we have had record breaking cold/snow winters, lousy wet cold springs and unhealthy smoke from wildfires half the summer. It's not good. The sun never shines here and if you get one beautiful day get ready for 10 lousy ones. Yes there is a lot of white trash here but you get that in any small rural area. Drugs and poverty are around but it beats all the major US cities that now look like 3rd world countries. The people are friendly the retail is fantastic here. I can get to anything I need including Costco in 20 minutes. I can be on a flight to a major city in half an hour with no security line. There are a thousand great things about living here but I can't enjoy it when it's dark and cold all the time and that's what it is.
Justin | Somers, MT | Report Abuse

Agreed!!!!! I lived there for 8 years, that was 7.5 years too long! Depressing, cold and dark. When I got my opportunity to leave, I tell you what; I never even looked in my rear view mirror. It was bye bye you frozen ice hole from hell.
Marie | Kalispell, MT | Report Abuse

I wouldn’t even recommend being a tourist in this area. The locals are the most rudest, ignorant, backward people I have ever met.
Melissa | Lakeland, FL | Report Abuse

Wow!! It took you 20 years to figure that out? What does that say about your intelligence and your work ethic?
Michael | Kalispell, MT | Report Abuse

I can say, as a life long resident, we aren't asking you to stay! LOL People keep flockign here and then complaining.. Maybe just research your next move and go where you will be happy. Other than that, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
R E | Kalispell, MT | Report Abuse
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