Review of Las Cruces, New Mexico

There must be something in the water!
Star Rating - 4/8/2011
I don't see why any sane person would want to live here. The school system here is a disgrace(except for the university), the weather is horrible, everything is brown brown brown. Everything around just seems dead. There are SOO many mobile homes it's shocking and not even nice ones. At least 60% of the population here are on wellfare, foodstamps, medicaid, etc. and they come from generations were being on government assistance is the norm! they don't better them selves just to be able to get government assistance. There are "cholos" on every corner, dirty sloppy fat rude hispanic people that don't even deserve to be called a true mexican. The hispanics here are the equivalent of a hillbily! I am a mexican woman that was raised in Baja California, Mexico and I'm embarrased to be associated with the hispanics here. The mexican food isn't very good, what matters most here is the spicyness rather than the flavor. Most people here have the walmart mentality, they don't support the farmers market because its too expensive. The so called "mall" that they have here is a joke, they don't even have a Nordstroms for crying out loud. Their is literally nothing to do here, no diversity, no variety. No wonder there is such a high pregnancy rate and crime rate, drugs are abundant everywhere. But if you like the desert with a bunch of spiders everywhere, then this will be perfect for you. This town is a tad bit better than the sore eye of El Paso. Don't even get me started on the ugliest town in the U.S. which is El Paso. But Las Cruces has the Organ Mountains, the sunset, the stars, the pecan trees, the..........that's it. I've only lived here for 2 years and as soon as I'm done with my degree I am getting as far away from this place as possible!
Emma | Las Cruces, NM
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@ greensleeves: I'm sorry to point out the truth but it is what it is. I don't know what part of Las Cruces you're looking at but "cholos and veteranos" are very abundant here (and bike riders), except the newer developments by roadrunner or on university, old mesilla isn't bad either. The events that do take place aren't even enjoyable because of the weather. But don't worry, I will go go go away from this place as soon as I can! Good educated people are very few and far between, but I'll go back to the coast because this town doesn't even compare to the beauty of coastal cities in Mexico. The Hispanics here that are classy as you call it are very few compared to the other bums. There isn't anything wrong with wanting the finer things in life, but one thing is for sure, you won't find them here. What culture are you talking about???? Hispanic? Go to SF, NY or even Portland if you don't want THAT big of a city! Those cities have culture. El being a military town and in the U.S. doesn't look any different than Ciudad Juarez, and it was announced recently on the news that even San Diego is safer than EL Paso! Even though San Diego is a bigger town than EL Paso or Las Cruces, SD has much more things to do and the surroundings are 10x prettier than here. SD has an actual downtown area that one can enjoy. The cost of living may be higher but you get payed more as well. I have worked and volunteered in clinics here in Las Cruces and I see the abundance of people that take advantage of the "system" probably don't want to see it but everything that I stated here and the previous post is true!
Emma | Las Cruces, NM | Report Abuse

I have lived all over California and they really, really know how to take advantage of the 'system'. People smile here, there is mo road rage, and again most people are of substance. El Paso consistently is in the top five cities of it's size in the country for being the safest. It us nothing to go to the airport-which is not crowded-or any part of El Paso without being exhausted by the drive. California is a foreclosure capital with slot of disgruntled, unhappy, materialistic people that don't know how to relax. They want to shop and be entertained all the time! The taxes and cost of living is horrid! I will give you one thing- if I was in my prime I would not be here. There ate better paying jobs elsewhere, and if your young you do want more 'happenings'. I'm in my 50's, semi-retied with my husband and quite happy here. We can go to the movie without big crowds, there is a selection of churches to choose from, we can see a broadway musical or symphony at much lower cost and not near the pushing crowds, we can go to the best (voted) Farmer's market in the United States, we can go to an easy, uncrowded but modern airport in El Paso, an hour away, we can go soaks in hot springs for a resizable cost, hike, RV or camp in the forests, swim and use a boat or waverunber or fish an hour and a half north of here, go explore the shops and forest of the Gila in Silver City, eat new mexican cusine, or other name restaurants, and we do have Lowe's snd Home Depot for home improvement and gardening, etc., etc. If you have young kids, single, or like the night life (though we do have nice restaurants and bars), then you might consider this one but compare to others. We are at least middle of the road in politics, if not left-center with open minds, many educated people, a green consciousness, outdoor enthusiasts, with a particular populace protective of the way of life and the town. This was a developer driven town for about 8 years, and there Is some sprawl, but the reins have been fastened on and we have good leadersip and Council. The weather is not near as hot as Phoenix, Tucson and Las Vegas as we are high desert at almost 4,000 feet. The Mesilla Valley is green and studded with lively Pecan trees and beautiful drives. It is a place undiscovered because people shy away from the border or culture, where El Paso is one of the safest cities in the country. Really! We rarely hear of violent crime on the news. And our news is pretty decent. I could see improvements in radio stations choice of music, but yhe DJ's are entertaining in the morning, and we have two NPR stations, one from each University. Rl paso has a University on the West side of the Franklin's which are an extension southward of the Rocky mountains. Our unemployment is very low and we did not get hit hard with foreclosures and exceptional loss of home values. There are three wineries along Hwy 28 that goes through MesillA that I can think of, bustle and microbrewery restaurants. The weather is neither horribly hot or cold, nor windy like the Mojave desert. We do get the wind in the Spring that blows dust off the agricultural fields, but the days that really get bad with dust I can count on my 2 hands.
Cheyenne | Lancaster, CA | Report Abuse

GO GO GO away from this place. You are tainting a very respectable place with your acid tongue. People here are happy: Retirees, Students, and the local populace. I have found the hispanics here to have much more class and they are very proud of their heritage. There is much history in this area. The natural beauty of the Mesilla Vally cannot be beaten, and has the largest concentration of Pecan Trees. I don't know what your problem it, but your probably from a place that rates the success of a locale by how many Norstroms it has, really. We are not the richest town, but we are in culture. I'm sure you are from some plastic place where you have to keep up with the Jones and that is the place that I came from. I love it here, and like the slower pace, but there is tons of stuff to do here - wineries, events, festivals, mountain resorts, a decent Lake up north, a Great University, and yes, El Paso which is not the ugliest town but a very vibrant city. You are blind to what is really going on, and your opinions are based on the whether people are wearing the most expensive clothing from the most expensive stores. That does not make good people. We are people of substance here, honey. I guess you don't know what that is, and just look for a fascade. Good luck in finding that place where people fun around in their trendy tennis shoes trying to act like they are someone. Sounds like your kind of place, so GO!!! Leave this place.
Cheyenne | Lancaster, CA | Report Abuse

YOU are soooo negative about this area that I really feel sorry for you. The Mesilla Valley is NOT brown. There are Mobile Homes, but there are million dollar homes as well. There is a wide spectrum. If there is alot of people on assistance you would not know it because we don't see much homeless in the streets and everyone takes care of themselves. I've lived here 2 years and see much more 'welfare' in parts of Califonia, Nevada and Arizona. The stores are clean, the people are clean and nice, and the bathrooms are clean! THERE is absolutely NOT cholos on every corner. What is your problem? In fact the people walking around are well mannered and dressed. By the way, we were in Downtown El paso for 2 days and saw ONE homeless person. Do you know what that means coming from LA or S.F.? People take care of people here, they do not discard them. And people take care of themselves as well without using the 'system'. There is plently of diversity here from food to culture to history to events to festivals to everything. This person is talking about a different city. I'm sorry but what city does not have some crime and drugs. We have a huge police force here that keeps everything in check. Crime is not a real big issue. I never feel unsafe, except, for property crime. I have an alarm on my house. Yes, this is the desert. It is the Chihuahuan desert, and if you don't like the desert then don't come here; however, we are fertile here because of the Rio Grande waters and there is plenty of farming, pecan orchards, wineries, etc. From the looks of the rest of the country, just the climate alone is a real plus. We do have March-April winds, especially in this La Nina year. Normally, not too bad but the dust can pick up because of the agricultural fields, and low humidity. But normally we have winter rains and the ground is normally not real dry. The summer rains are spectacular, and can cause some flooding. No real hazards here. Lovely living. I like the fact there is not a Nordstroms or Hard Rock Cafe. I would just like a Trader Joe's There are two in Albuquerque and one in Santa Fe.
Cheyenne | Lancaster, CA | Report Abuse

Don’t come here insulting every little thing and not expect people to defend the place they live or grew up in there are so many things you can do but you can’t look for it if all you’re gonna do is hate of everything hun but if you hate it so much leave simple ?????
Rose | Las Cruces, NM | Report Abuse
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