Review of Missoula, Montana

Small Town Homeless Mecca
Star Rating - 5/23/2020
Missoula is an interesting place. If you are an activist focusing on the homeless, Missoula is probably the place for you as Missoula has made the city a very inviting place for the "homeless" population. We have a homeless shelter downtown and various vagrant camps along the Clark Fork River that runs through town. In the past year or so we paid the city to clean up the river shore in town, hauling away needles, garbage, waste and other detritus. City governance stated their purpose was to encourage city residents (not homeless) to use the beautiful river area to drive the homeless from its shores. It didn't accomplish that goal. In a matter of months the river area is once again populated by homeless and unusable by city residents. In response, the city said the non-homeless "homeful?" didn't use the land quickly enough so it was re-occupied. It has now surrendered its efforts to make the waterway livable for Missoulians. People and families concerned with their own safety avoid the area.
If you are a homeowner on the Clark Fork river anywhere near town, and you don't want your view to be the garbage left on public property from abandoned transient camps, then you will have to clean away the camp with your labor and your funds. The city declines to help even though city residents pay the city to maintain municipal property. There is a permanent camp on the Clark Fork at the busiest intersection in town on Reserve Street adjacent to a popular shopping area. Up-ended shopping carts, piles of garbage, torn tarps and general filth provide a thoughtful view when stuck in traffic.
The "M" is a popular trail up a mountain close to the university. A "homeless" and clothesless man recently attacked a woman walking her dog there and later the same day attacked two men hiking the hill who fortunately had a weapon and knifed him.
Nearly each week, until I stopped taking the newspaper (which is generally a good paper) the front page of the paper featured the plight of the homeless and Missoula's responsibilities to do more.
In the meantime people who own homes and pay $4,000-$6,000 per year in property taxes are left wondering whether they will be able to use the new library they paid for or whether it will be just more public property to be abused by the homeless. Those who bear the tax burden of paying for public properties are left wondering what kind of weapons they should take on their hikes above the University so they will survive an assault by a member of a favored group for whom we are expected to only have empathy and tolerance as they destroy our living environment. I would not consider attending University of Montana due to the proximity of filthy camps, transient violence and dead bodies to the university campus. It might be time for the city of Missoula to balance the demands it makes on less favored residents (homeowners, renters, students) to fund its favored homeless programs. In summary, despite its geographic beauty I would not move to Missoula. Property taxes are phenomenally high and the city prioritizes the "needs" of the homeless without consideration for the cost paid by the rest of the population - the "homeful" amongst us.
Anika | Missoula, MT
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3 Replies

We have this EXACT problem throughout San Diego. We have homeless encampments, tent cities taking over the San Diego River Valley, downtown parks, beaches and canyons. Los Angeles and San Francisco even worse. Drug addiction, meth and fentanyl has made the homeless difficult to rehabilitate and there are not enough treatment centers if you could get them to go. Thanks for everything China! This is the silent war. Wake up people.
Nancy | San Diego, CA | Report Abuse

You obviously look down at anyone who doesn't live the same way you do. How do you know that someone is homeless? Because they have a backpack and school isn't in session? Because of the piercings, tattoos, and clothing they wear? Because they hang out in groups of 3 or 4, people watch and shoot the breeze, enjoying life in the same environment you do? Or maybe it's the sucked in cheeks, track marks, and erratic movements and behavior? This type I would agree can ruin an area for me. But these are two different types of people. Addicts of methamphetamine and homeless. Not the same. And considering I've been both at one time or another in this town I know there is a difference. Most homeless don't use meth. Most meth users are not homeless by my definition. Couch surfing tweaker apartments around town isn't homelessness. Living at the poverello or on the river is. Most at the POV are not using meth. Most on the river are not using meth. Until you open your eyes and begin to differentiate the two, then your community in your eyes will remain a one star community. Don't judge people bro, it's ruining your life.
Curtis | Missoula, MT | Report Abuse

Looks like the guy who replied should take his own advice and not "judge" you! No where in your commentary did I get the sense that you were bothered by free-living, "hippie" backpackers... tattooed/pierced or not. It's the trash, assaults, and outright disrespect for everyone ELSE that you were complaining about. We've become a society that is so tolerant... that now we tolerate intolerance.
John | Seaside, CA | Report Abuse
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