United States / New York / Rochester Metro Area / Counties / Cities / Zip Codes

Review of Rochester, New York

Dead City
Star Rating - 4/10/2014
I grew up in Greece, NY. I love the familiar streets and neighborhoods and colleges. But, the community, culture, and lifestyles have dwindled into single parenthood with women dominating the households. The majority of decent jobs here are service-based low-paying jobs with constant threats of outsourcing. The abundance of colleges pumps out more supply than the local market demands. So, just like me, so many graduates are bouncing out of Rochester to find friendlier, economically sound, and family-friendly geographies where graduates are appreciated and compensated fairly. $10-12 an hour for a Master graduate is not a reasonable wage. Too many call centers fill the job availabilities because of their rampant turnovers. You can choose from the 6th worst employer in the U.S. being ADT (Wall Street report), Verizon's ridiculous requirements of hiring before you can get a $28,000 a year job being micromanaged in a cubicle, Paychex's bureaucratic organization that thinks it is a god of employers with multiple "hate" blogs, the BPO Concentrix that intentionally burns and churns employees to avoid benefits and maximize profits of temporary projects, the infamous Sutherland Global Services that was sued for countless acts of violating labor rights and compensation law, or you can choose the low-wage retailer Wegmans. Wherever a call center exists, there be the city of Rochester who says "here, plant your center".
The women here are single mothers with several children from multiple fathers and no shame. For every 2 women who do not possess these traits, 8 women do. The irony is that both groups behave as if they are God's gifts to men because they are "independent", as if their house ownerships, careers, and automobile possessions impress men anymore than male possessions impress women. Rochester's market encourages the feminist elite and does not provide a balance of high-paying, masculine jobs that men can satisfactorily perform. Men have to literally ingratiate female egos in order to get a date in Rochester, NY. And the majority have little integrity. Women tend to be equally promiscuous to, or more than, the men in Rochester, NY. STD clinics are abundant in this city.
Basically, I am fed up. I deserve better than what this dying city has to offer anyone in my sector. I wish I was not so. Eventually, I will say....Goodbye, Rochester, NY.

Chad | Rochester, NY
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2 Replies

I moved to Rochester 2 years ago. Tech industry is doing well. Engineering jobs are pretty abundant. The eastern suburbs like west irondeqouit, webster, pittsford, fairport, victor, penfield, etc are completely different than what you are saying. I dont have any neighbors or coworkers (work in a 500+ person organization) that are the single mom with an attitude like you are portraying. A few single mothers but the overwhelming majority of people i know that have kids are married couples (even if remarried). Not to be rude, but maybe its the places and people you are hanging around. I even go to the local bars(im in my 20s) and couldn't have a more different view than what you have.
Ryan | Webster, NY | Report Abuse

Goodbye, Rochester, NY...well, geez, Chad, please just don't move to my city. Misogynist much?
Linda | Cornville, AZ | Report Abuse