Review of Spokane, Washington

Liberals and non-whites please consider California
Star Rating - 1/18/2014
I am so relieved to read that Spokane is conservative, and that if you are non-white, you should consider somewhere else. It is a sad day that we MUST look at diversity as no other option. Like forcing marriage onto someone with a partner they have nothing in common with. No other country has this stress. If you live in Japan, you can move to any city and it sill feels like your culture, your language, and your home. Diversity is not for everyone. That isn't to imply automatic hate exists, or that anyone wishes bad things on another race. I love different cultures and different groups of people, and that's why I have spent my entire life traveling. If I don't wish to bring back every part of the globe I have visited to be my neighbor, because I love and value my own culture and language, that does NOT make anyone a bad person. The progressive liberals who force their preferences and political agendas onto everyone are the people full of hate and lack of sensitivity. The blatant unfairness of being forced to live with the globe in your own homeland is so sickly unfair I don't know where to begin! No other country does this to their own people! After what I have read, I am considering Spokane seriously, because I am now in California in an all non-white neighborhood, and although people are ok, I am lonely. I prefer my own culture and language, and I won't be made to feel guilty or ashamed of my own people. In so many subtle ways, that is the hate agenda that is being pushed. If somewhere is not diverse, it must be forced. That's just wrong. We aren't allowed to go to the forbidden island in Hawaii if we are no of Hawaiian blood. Our differences is what's makes the world a beautiful place. If we force us to mix, those differences will disappear! Japan won't change, but America, Canada and Europe are on their way of being good and lost culturally......Anywhere where Europeans live they want fragmented and diversified into shards of nothingness. It's a racist hate, post-WWII agenda, aimed at an entire innocent generation of people. If you are also white-Euro, or of this ancestry struggling to find places to live where you are a majority, and stand to remain so - start taking a peaceful stand.
Halo | ,
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5 Replies

Pass on Spokane. Don't give it a second thought. It isn't a place for anybody with standards or a good future ahead. It is a place for antisocial behavior and extensive widespread corruption. Just observe the educational levels among the population. Yeah don't think so. Go somewhere else.
| | | Report Abuse

"...and although people are ok, I am lonely. I prefer my own culture and language, and I won't be made to feel guilty or ashamed of my own people. In so many subtle ways, that is the hate agenda that is being pushed. If somewhere is not diverse, it must be forced. That's just wrong." --displaced Council Elder, Spokane Tribe, 1878
Bernard | Lynden, WA | Report Abuse

You sound like my kind of person. I was born on a military base, grew up moving from base to base all over America and most of the planet, joined the Marines at 17 and saw the rest of it. Got out in '84 (I'm 51 now) and live by my oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. My wife and I met in Utah and moved to just East of Portland, Oregon in 2002 because everything was green and the bass fishing was incredible on the Columbia River all through the Gorge. I knew the West Coast liberal lunatics would be a problem but my neighborhood was White and I keep to myself so I stuck around. It's now 2015. The tribes have made fishing access limited, the places you can still get to have been destroyed by inconsiderate immigrants, trash everywhere and nature destroyed. It's gotten bad enough that the Parks service has closed off most natural areas in an attempt to save them. My neighborhood was great ten years ago. Nice homes, clean streets, great parks and open spaces. I've witnessed a decline that can be directly attributed to the influx of mass illegal AND legal immigration and forced integration. Ghetto culture that was once limited to N. Portland has spread like a virus at a Mexican daycare. Tattooed thugs (MTV thugs) with Pit Bulls on every corner and illegal aliens over running everything...schools, parks, playgrounds, parks...EVERYTHING. And I'm forced to pay for it. I'm white. I want to live where my family is safe from the culture that spawned ghetto-rap, ESL schools and white trash posers that want so bad to be black that they dress like it, talk like it, wear saggy pants like it and flat refuse to get off welfare like it. All these whiney progressive liberals that preach diversity should get out and live in the world they've created, work in the economy they helped destroy, house and feed some of these "poor, poor" ghetto idolizing losers that they push into my neighborhood while fencing them off from their own neighborhoods. I want to live like a white man, not be forced to accept the ghetto or barrio just to appease the guilt ridden ideoligy of some pampered rich housewife that lives in a gated community detached from reality.
Ted | Fairview, OR | Report Abuse

Well spoken and I couldn't agree more. I have been considering a move to the Inland Northwest for quite some time. Why? To escape the infestation of illegals and the entrenched, rampant corruption of Chicago. High taxes, gangbangers, crime that doesn't get punished, and illegals pushing their drugs and culture on the rest of us. Liberals are intoxicated by the race issue. They have such distaste for the white man (and woman) that they champion the cause of the double standard: if a white guy does well, he's an oppressor; if a minority or an illegal does well, he's a role model. They also have this mindset that if you are white and not pro-diversity, that you are automatically a racist (and must be uneducated to boot). Quite the contrary. I recognized long ago the fraud that was being perpetrated on our country by these high and mighty collectivists. Their mindset insists upon compulsion...and particularly, that if you were highly educated, that you must accept diversity, otherwise they would toss labels at you. (Note that their arguments never start from reason, but from screeching emotionalism). As far as the illegals are concerned, what galls me the most is that these cretins come to our country and are here for decades and still refuse to learn the language, unlike millions of legal immigrants in the past. Why should we be compelled to have bilingual signs, tax forms, etc, to reward the Mexicans? We didn't do it for the Germans who came here 200 years ago, for the the Italians who came here 125 years ago, or the Eastern Europeans a century ago. I suspect that the underlying reason is revenge: after all, we defeated the Mexicans in 1848 and they still cannot accept the fact that they lost. What they couldn't accomplish militarility they will try by occupying our cities and countryside and refusing to assimilate into the melting pot. You should make NO apologies for being white and wanting to live in an area where people share your values; where people work and pay their taxes and don't mooch off the system; where criminals are dealt with harshly and not rewarded for their behavior; and where politicians are subject to their constituents; where the rule of law is applied fairly to all; and where employers are not forced to hire less qualified individuals simply because they belong to the ethnic club of the month. I plan a trip to Spokane next winter to experience the area and people firsthand. I don't think that I will be disappointed. I'll let you know how it went!
C | Chesterton, IN | Report Abuse

Uh, I am hoping you haven't already packed you bags and moved to Spokane, because you might be sorely disappointed. I grew up there, whole family still lives there. There are NO benefits to the whiteness of that city. It is the 22nd most violent city in the U.S. It has through the roof auto and property theft. Meth is a rampant problem. Forcible rape is common. Spokane had its own serial killer in the 80s and 90s (and like most serial killers, he was white). Homelessness is a massive problem and the homeless have moved out of just the downtown and sprawled into the wealthier, super-white north suburbs. Spokane is also a sanctuary city, which even a super liberal living in Seattle like me can't get on board with (it shelters criminal). Spokane is also NOT that conservative. Consider that education is one of the biggest employers in the area: public schools, Whitworth University, Gonzaga, Eastern, WSU Spokane and two community colleges. Teachers are not known for being consverative - it has been well-documented and researched that advanced degrees increases liberalism. If you want white and conservative try Boise, ID.
Sydney | Seattle, WA | Report Abuse
- 4/26/2023
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Hunter | Spokane, WA | No Replies

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