Review of Tucs,

Tucson,AZ and lousy website
Star Rating - 3/11/2017
B4 I write a long diatribe, your registration and posting procedure is very flakey, so is this even working?
nobs | ,
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2 Replies sperling nobs_datruth : beenderDunD9 Ok so it's working. Admin need to find better code for his site as registration is a PITA. Lived in Tucson about 10 yrs. If you're retired with a good income, it's ok. If you have to work, wages are superlow and employers take advantage of workers-you are just a cog in a wheel to them, unless you have special skills in high demand-programmer, sys analyst, engineer,etc-even then you will be treated like so much cattle. Schools are terrible. I subbed in them. Again, you're treated like property, discipline is non-existent as is support. Crime all through the City, you might consider carrying a gun. But really bad in S. Tucson, lots of gang/drug stuff going on. Meth is a problem. Landlords are slumlords often. Unless you can afford a luxury apartment where you are apt to have better service, they will take your rent and DO NOTHING, or worse harass you. This is done with the support of the City and corrupt police department, several of whom have been convicted of serious crimes. Few blacks here, and there's a reason for that. Forget about equal treatment under the law. THe City prosecutor's office is run by lesbians. Gays are accorded special rights here, and they frequent the YMCA where they engage in flirtacious behaviors in the sauna and stare at you in the showers. Hot as hell in the summer but not too bad as humidity is low. City government is an oxymoron. Bunch of amateurs. Head of the City court system a couple years back was found to have forged his credentials and dismissed. They run the courts like a cattle call. Vindictive City prosecutor who cares less about justice than getting even. Medical care here sucks. Hard to find a doctor, and out of 10 I saw only two were any good. Many are old geezers who should have retired years ago. Bad diagnosis, bad prescriptions, bunch of ignoramuses, not up to date on research. Hospitals suck with one or two exceptions. Tons of veterinarians due to many pets here-the people get pets because quality human companionship is hard to find. Tucson ranks near the bottom of the barrel in measures of social dysfunction:suicide, crime, divorce and alcoholism. If you're poor forget about help here. Corrupt human services sector uses political considerations to blacklist you. Even those not on the blacklist, the red tape and humiliation they put you through is enough to discourage only the most persistent. If you're poor get yourself a 50 year old trailer in one of the many run down trailer parks with a do nothing landlord and overprice rent/lot costs. Or rent a place in a huge apartment complex with high crime rate, bad landlord and no maintenance. The whole town is corrupt, the cops, the courts, the landlords. It's kinda like living in Mexico. No one to turn to for justice, the lawyers here are mostly concerned about the size of your wallet, not any consideration of social good or justice. Even then they, like most of the "professionals" here are largely incompetent. One post said they should rename Tucson, "city of low expectations". That about sums it up. The people here are mostly stupid and apathetic or at least apathetic as they realize it's too difficult to get anyone to change anything here. If you rock the boat you will be considered a trouble maker and face retaliatory actions, backed up by the government, cops, landlords,etc. What they care about here is making money, not much else. And they aren't too fussy about what they have to do to get it. Let's see, what have I missed, I could go on and on, but you get the pix. If you come here just for the sunshine, have lots of money and don't care about anything else, fine. Else I suggest you find a more enlightened city to reside.
nobs | Vancouver, WA | Report Abuse

Any future posts under this ID are not from me. Compromised ID and lousy site has no way to edit post.
nobs | Vancouver, WA | Report Abuse
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