Review of Tucson, Arizona

1 star for Tucson
Star Rating - 11/15/2021
I've been living out in Tucson since the end of Summer August of 2005. At first i thought Tucson was great. I think that was the "honey moon phase" where everything here is fun, new and exciting. That lasted a year or two before i started to see how Tucson really is. Seems most positive reviews for Tucson are from people vacationing or visiting here as one reviewer "A" mentioned and did a great job explaining. Tucson itself is okay but more leaning towards bad then good. I lived over on or by Sabino Canyon, Fairfield on the foothills, across from the loft movie theater on Speedway in the neighborhood behind book-mans and Zia records, and downtown. The people over on Sabino Canyon, downtown, and foothills kinda came across as stuck up, dumb and judgemental. Be prepared to be judged based off what you look like and what you have. I say hi to people as i leave my apartment most won't even say hello back and just look at you. It's a very awkward interaction when you say hi and they don't say hi back. Granted this wasn't everyone but majority seemed like this. If you weren't stuck up i noticed a lot of people into drugs and alcohol. This is not EVERYONE again though. Anyone else that isn't those two types only comes across as a person you'd be friendly with in high school but wouldn't hang out with if you had spare time. So after years and years of making attempts to socialize i keep to myself now for the most part. This brings me to another point I've never been in so many fights until i came to Tucson. What's up with random people being mean in public. I've never had so many negative interactions with random people in public or at private parties. I didn't know who these people were but they ran their mouth anyways. This isn't everyone but the ratio is high where it's noticeable. Locals blame people that come here from California for ruining Tucson.. people from California blame the locals for ruining Tucson. Well it's both. People that move to Tucson from California are the rejects that can't make it in California or elsewhere so they come to Tucson cause it's cheaper. They then jack up the prices of the houses for everyone else. I don't really see a problem with the peoples attitudes from California though seems people who were born and raised out of state that move here to Tucson seem to have way better attitudes then the locals that are born and raised in Tucson.

The city itself isn't that great. It's the worst things of a city and the worst things of a town combined making it a very bland mix. I can describe Tucson in few words. Strip malls and restaurants. No tall buildings you'd expect in a real city besides a few downtown. People don't mind their business either which is very small town like.

Public transportation is a joke. No trains, subways or anything like that. They have a tramcar downtown that only goes to a very limited parts of downtown Tucson and not all around. So if you don't have a car you're basically screwed here. There's a bus too but that doesn't run all night so you gotta leave early if you take that.

I'm currently living downtown cause it's the only part of Tucson that feels like a real city. Prices for rent are going up a lot. I witnessed the gentrification of downtown Tucson over the years. Downtown is slowly becoming a haven for rich old people trying to be trendy and collage kids only. It it's own little world.

Weather is okay. Summer you're gonna hibernate. Winter feels like a east coast Springtime.

There's outdoor stuff to do on the outskirts of the city if you're into that. Like hiking and camping. I enjoy that.

People make a point there are good restaurants here. Yes there are but what city doesn't have good restaurants and more restaurants compared to the surrounding areas. I mean Tucson does have better restaurants then surrounding areas of baron desert..... compared to a real city though Tucson is slacking.

Diversity between races.. its dominantly white and Mexican with other race groups sprinkled about. Tucson is more diverse then Vail or other areas in the middle of the desert with barely anyone living there but compared to a actual city city no. Diversity between people styles like punk, hippy, grunge, metal, etc etc... aren't that great. It's mostly people who think they're a dollar store version of Eminem. So if you're not into the ghetto trash life style you'll won't be disappointed here. Or happen to live in the rich areas you're with a bunch of stuck up people. There's no happy middle.

There's a museum downtown and another out in the desert. I don't think they're selling points to moving out here. They're nice to visit once. I don't know how many times you'd wanna do that. Most good cities have this stuff and do it better though.

There's tons of cheap drugs here. I started a habit of drinking almost everyday for years cause there's nothing else to do. Thankfully I've over come that and I'm doing better. Tucson will destroy your soul if you're not careful.

Arizona is 50 out of 50 for education. And It shows how people act out here.

All the good concerts go to Phoenix and rarely come to Tucson. There's a couple good acts but that's nothing to all the good bands that play in Phoenix. I do have to admit i did enjoy going to the Railto theater in Tucson. It's a small venue so you're more up close with the artists then far away at a stadium concert but barely any decent acts.

Roads suck. They're always doing construction and take a super long time doing so.

I can't find my happy medium here. I've given Tucson so many chances over the years and it's failed. I've moved a couple times thinking maybe it's just this particular area in Tucson that's bad. Nope! If you're considering living here I suggest visit for a couple months before deciding.
Johnny | Tucson, AZ
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3 Replies

Tucson = Phoenix, done right.
osnE gnilaeH | Phoenix, AZ | Report Abuse

Yeah i mean most reviews are how a person feels with their issues and experiences with wherever they live vs the area they were in that's what most reviews are aren't they? A person's experience? I haven't checked every city review to see if other cities have the same pattern but i do know that most of the bad reviews that seem legit have a common thing or things. So i think there's truth in them. Most positive reviews for Tucson are from vacationers, snow birds and locals that haven't lived else where and are defending the place they live. I understand that I'd get offended if someone trashed a place i love too. I lived in other states too not just multiple places in Tucson. Is it weird people agree with the bad reviews and disagree with the good ones? Yes i think every place has it's poor and rich sides but there's a huge gap here in Tucson. Tucson does have it's ups but more downs i think. Everything changes with time but some things consistently remain the same. Maybe I'll start a social group, change my outlook and give Tucson another chance. Third time is a charm they say! Neil you're invited! lol. I hope I'm not disappointed!
Johnny | Tucson, AZ | Report Abuse

You know, there is no perfect place anywhere. Yes, priorities change and so do our opinions of where we live. My feeling here is that most of your thoughts are based on you and your issues vs. Tucson. There are far worse places to live and every town has a snooty hood and the other side of the tracks. It’s all in how you interpret and choose to assimilate.
Neil | Yuba City, CA | Report Abuse
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