Review of Zuni, Virginia

Living in Zuni
Star Rating - 3/15/2024
I've lived here, for 10 years, now. I didn't think I'd last more than 4 or 5, but the water from our wells actually tastes great, since it comes from a conifer, no chemicals, or chlorine smell. Since the water is so soft, we use less detergent or soap, for washing clothes, dishes, ourselves. The air is so fresh, especially in the morning, We see rabbits hopping around, turkeys doing their thing, and deer, doing what deer do, hide in the trees. We actually have a rare orchid that grows wild, on my tree farm floor, called Lady Slippers, for about two weeks. Winter is usually mild, and Summer is hot. It's quiet, and the stars shine brightly. People are friendly, and helpful. It's a nice place to walk, or sit and watch birds. We have a heron, who comes to our pond, to fish. Hummingbirds and Bluebirds often visit, too. Our grandchildren have grown up here, and had many sleepovers and birthday parties in our outbuildings, or set up tents, under our picnic pavillion, in case of rain.
anna | Zuni, VA
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