Review of Putnam, Oklahoma

Population figures
Star Rating - 10/3/2008
Please review your figures on the population per mile. You have 436 people per mile. We do not have that many people in and around Putnam. I live 2 miles south of Putnam, and my nearest nieghbor is a half a mile away. In town there is only a population of 44 people. The town is only 2 miles across from north to south and 2 miles wide from east to west. I wish we did have 436 people in our town, so we could have more business and jobs available. We consist of a post office, a coop and a small cafe. It is the best place in the world to live. I choose to move here and raise my family away from the big city. Please come and visit sometime. I think you would be welcomed like one of the locals from here.
Cindy | Putnam, OK
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