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Review of Tulsa, Oklahoma

do not live in Tulsa
Star Rating - 10/13/2013
Tulsa is the most boring and beige place in the country. There is nothing to do. There is no scenery or flowers. Walking is dangerous. Drivers hate pedestrians and people here think if you are taking a walk, like people do all over America, that there is something wrong with you. I was run over while I had the right of way by a woman twice, who then had the nerve to tell me she didn't do it, even as a witness called the paramedics...even after I flew off the roof of her car. The cops here are good ole boys who hate women. If you are in trouble for domestic violence, be careful. One cop told me he should arrest ME for bothering him and wasting his time, then he stayed for an hour wasting his own time, and constantly saying that if I didn't resolve this, he would arrest ME, not the abuser. It didn't occur to this loser that it is his job to help resolve this or arrest the abuser. He abused me more. He would not let me close enough to see his badge. When I was run over the cop did not take my statement, but held up the ambulance to take the woman who hit me's statement. When I called for police report I got a runaround all day. There is no culture or social life. The libraries have hardly any books and even the librarians are uneducated and did not know who Tennessee Williams was. The landlords have full rights and tenants no rights. The water is so bad that the sink plugs turn black and the black can't be washed off. If you are not from here, they hate you. They hate you because you can read and put a sentence together that is logical. The standard answer to any question about any subject is: I don't know or I wasn' there, so I don't know. Jobs pay 1980 wages and they are mostly garbage jobs. There is much white trash and ghetto trash and no noise ordinances. In fact, there are hardly any laws at all that give quality of life. The real problem is the lack of anything to do...How many times can you spend money on the ballet? The restaurants are overpriced and very very bad. The food in supermarkets is standard with hardly any interesting food unless you want to go to Whole Foods and spend a fortune. People are just nasty, stupid and rude. Yet they think they are really smart. Walmart is the only place to go. The weather is awful. Sometimes 118 in summer and dank and damp in winter. People live in their cars and do not walk so you can not meet anyone just walking as you can in other places. Do not live here if you want a normal life. There are really no neighborhoods where there are shops and coffee places to hang out. It is very much in your car and home.
Lisa | Tulsa, OK
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2 Replies

This post says more about you than it does Tulsa. I have never been to Tulsa. It isn't NYC. But to blame the city for the domestic violence and traffic accidents you encounter is pretty sad. I can imagine that you give the cops an earful every time you see them. Perhaps if you gave them some respect instead, you wouldn't feel like such a martyr in the end. I am guessing the woman you claim ran you over twice was just trying to do everyone a favor (including you).
Free | Gaithersburg, MD | Report Abuse

The weather is Oklahoma has not hit over 102 in 2 years, in fact the whole midwest, central part of the United States has had surprisingly cooler summers creating 2 years of the best crop output in decades. The water is not bad at all, except that the EPA keeps pushing for chloramine across the entire United States and they, unfortuantely, are getting their way! Wages are down everywhere....it's the new reality of the 21st century and unlike many financially stagnate States, the economy in Oklahoma is growing. The pay is not what it used to be, but given the fact the housing is affordable, you stand a chance of not going under! The libraries (and there are many of htem) of as many books as most libraries, and many computers for public use as well. The Museums are beautiful, I especially love the Philbrook! The European Art collection is breathtaking and the botanical gardens just gorgeous! The weather fluctuates a lot, but it is refreshing to have such variety. Sometimes the wind blows and I sware it's a gust all the way from the Pacific coast! I am only here for 2 years, but I have made friends (some native Okies and some from everywhere else!) and most people are quite nice. The 'overpriced restaurants' are the same restaurants that are in every single state in America....Longhorn Steakhouse, Outback, The Cheesecake Factory...and hundreds of others! There are quite a few places to do grocery shopping and Sprouts, Whole Foods are just a few. Reasors stocks tons of varieties of everything and they have an entire isle of just salad dressing! I am not from here, and although my New York accent is a dead giveaway, I have not felt blantant hatred from anyone..infact, most people are quite nice, and almost all of them are at the very least polite! I think Tulsa is a very n ice place to live, and after a while...it really grows on you!
Marie | Tulsa, OK | Report Abuse