Zip Not Found (Leonville, LA) Reviews

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United States / Louisiana / No Metro Area / St. Landry County / No City / Leonville (zip )
What BestPlaces Users Say about Leonville

As a small town located in southern Louisiana, Leonville (zip code 70551) has a population of just over 1,200 residents. This community offers a rural, tight-knit feel with a lower cost of living compared to nearby cities. However, there are also some challenges that come with living in this area, such as limited job opportunities and hurricane risks. To get a better understanding of what it's like to live in Leonville, we have summarized several user reviews from

According to user "Jessica," Leonville is a "quiet and peaceful" place to live, with "friendly people and a strong sense of community." She also mentions the town's beautiful scenery and proximity to larger cities like Lafayette. On the other hand, user "John" expresses concerns about the town's lack of job opportunities, stating that "most people commute to work in the nearby cities." He also mentions the expensive cost of flood insurance due to the area's hurricane risks.

Another user, "Katie," shares her positive experience as a resident of Leonville, stating that it's a "great place to raise a family" with "good schools and low crime rates." She also mentions the town's rich culture and French influence. However, user "Mark" has a different perspective, stating that the "majority of residents are lower income" and that there are "limited resources and amenities."

Overall, it seems that living in Leonville has its perks, such as a close-knit community and beautiful scenery, but also has its challenges, such as job opportunities and hurricane risks. As with any place, it may be best to visit and experience it for yourself before making a decision to call it home.

 based on 0 Reviews
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