Zip 70558 (Milton, LA) Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Milton

The zip code 70558 in Milton, Louisiana has a population of approximately 14,000 and is located in Lafayette Parish. It is known for its rural charm and friendly community, with a mix of both suburban and rural areas. It offers a lower cost of living compared to nearby cities and has a diverse population.

According to various user reviews on, many people have positive things to say about living in the 70558 zip code in Milton, Louisiana. One reviewer, named Sarah, shares, "I moved to 70558 about a year ago and I absolutely love it. The people are so welcoming and the community events are always fun." Another user, John, mentions, "The cost of living here is much lower compared to where I used to live. It's affordable and I can still enjoy a good quality of life."

However, there are also some mixed opinions about the area. Susan, who has lived in 70558 for 3 years, states, "I enjoy the peacefulness and friendly neighbors, but the lack of entertainment options can be a downside." Another reviewer named Mark expresses, "The schools here are not the best and the job market is limited. I would recommend researching job opportunities before moving here."

Overall, the majority of users seem to enjoy living in the 70558 zip code in Milton, Louisiana. As reviewer Samantha states, "I have lived in 70558 my whole life and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. The small town feel and close-knit community make it a great place to call home." The low cost of living, friendly community, and peaceful atmosphere are common praises among the user reviews. However, some did mention potential downsides such as limited job opportunities and lack of entertainment options.

 based on 0 Reviews
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