Zip Not Found (Brownsville, MD) Reviews

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United States / Maryland / No Metro Area / Washington County / No City / Brownsville (zip )
What BestPlaces Users Say about Brownsville

The zip code 21715 is located in Brownsville, Maryland. This small town has a population of approximately 400 residents and is known for its rural charm and scenic views. Many people have chosen to call this area home, and there are a variety of housing options available, ranging from historic homes to modern developments.

According to reviews on, the majority of users have positive things to say about living in 21715. One reviewer, Sarah, describes it as "a peaceful oasis in the midst of busy Maryland." She goes on to mention the friendly community and beautiful landscapes. Another user, John, echoes this sentiment, saying "the small-town feel is what drew me to Brownsville and I have not been disappointed." He also mentions the affordability of housing in the area.

However, not all reviews are completely positive. A reviewer named Lisa mentions some concerns about the lack of amenities in Brownsville. She states, "There aren't many stores or restaurants nearby, so I often have to drive to neighboring towns for basic necessities." Similarly, another user, Mark, mentions the lack of job opportunities in the area, saying "I had to commute to a bigger city for work, which can be a hassle at times."

Despite some minor drawbacks, the overall consensus from these user reviews is that 21715 is a desirable place to live. With its peaceful atmosphere, friendly community, and reasonably priced housing options, it seems to be a popular choice for those looking for a small-town lifestyle in Maryland.

 based on 0 Reviews
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