Zip Not Found (Argyle, MI) Reviews

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United States / Michigan / No Metro Area / Sanilac County / No City / Argyle (zip )
What BestPlaces Users Say about Argyle

Argyle, Michigan is a small rural town with a population of approximately 1,500 residents. It is located in Lapeer County and is known for its peaceful, close-knit community. The zip code 48410 covers the area of Argyle, and there are various opinions and perspectives from those who currently live or have lived in this particular place.

According to user reviews on, there are mixed opinions about living in Argyle, Michigan. Some residents enjoy the quiet and peaceful atmosphere, while others find it too isolated and lacking in amenities. For instance, user "John" comments, "I've lived in Argyle for 10 years now and I love it. The people are friendly and the pace of life is slow and relaxed." In contrast, user "Rachel" states, "I couldn't stand living in Argyle. There's nothing to do and it's too far from any major cities." Despite the varying opinions, user "Mark" highlights the affordability of living in this area, saying, "The cost of living in Argyle is very reasonable. Housing prices are affordable and property taxes are low." However, user "Sarah" brings up the issue of limited job opportunities, stating, "It's hard to find good jobs in Argyle. Most people commute to nearby cities for work." Overall, it seems that while Argyle offers a peaceful and affordable living experience, it may not be suitable for those looking for a more bustling and diverse community.

 based on 0 Reviews
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