Zip 77855 (Flynn, TX) Reviews

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United States / Texas / No Metro Area / Leon County / Flynn / Flynn (zip 77855)
What BestPlaces Users Say about Flynn

The zip code 77855 in Flynn, Texas is a small, rural community located in central Texas. It has a population of approximately 2,000 people and is known for its peaceful and quiet lifestyle. With its close-knit community and affordable cost of living, it has become a popular place for families and retirees. However, like any other place, there are both positive and negative aspects to living in this particular zip code. In this context, I will summarize reviews from multiple users who have shared their experiences about living in 77855.

One user, John, shares his positive experience living in 77855 on, stating that "Flynn is a hidden gem. It's a close-knit community where everyone knows each other and looks out for one another. The cost of living is affordable and there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy." Another reviewer, Sarah, also praises the community, saying "I love the small town feel of Flynn. It's a great place to raise a family and the schools are top-notch." These reviews highlight the tight-knit community and family-friendly atmosphere in 77855.

On the other hand, some users have expressed concerns about the lack of amenities in Flynn. Julie mentions on the same website that "Flynn is a nice place to live, but there isn't much to do here. You have to drive to the nearby towns for shopping and entertainment." Similarly, Mary shares her experience on, stating that "The only downside to living in Flynn is the limited job opportunities. Most people commute to work in nearby cities." These reviews shed light on the limited options for shopping and employment in the area.

In summary, reviews from different users show that living in zip code 77855 in Flynn, Texas has its advantages and disadvantages. The close-knit community and affordable cost of living are praised by many, while the lack of amenities and job opportunities are areas for improvement. Overall, opinions may vary depending on individual preferences, but it is evident that Flynn is a peaceful and welcoming place to call home.

 based on 0 Reviews
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