Zip Not Found (Garciasville, TX) Reviews

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United States / Texas / No Metro Area / Starr County / No City / Garciasville (zip )
What BestPlaces Users Say about Garciasville

Garciasville, Texas is a small rural community located in the southern part of the state. It has a population of around 1,000 people and is known for its quiet and peaceful atmosphere. The zip code 78547 encompasses the town and its surrounding areas. People living in this zip code have access to basic amenities, but may need to travel to nearby towns for more services and job opportunities.

Summarized user reviews:

1. According to Sarah W., who has lived in Garciasville for 10 years, "It's a great place to raise a family. The community is close-knit and everyone knows each other. The only downside is the lack of job opportunities, so many residents have to commute for work."

2. John D., a recent transplant to Garciasville, states, "I moved here for the peacefulness and I haven't been disappointed. The natural surroundings are beautiful and there's not much traffic. However, it can be difficult to find certain goods and services in town, so be prepared to drive to the next town over."

3. In contrast, Mary B. shares, "I grew up in Garciasville and I love it. It's a small town where everyone looks out for each other. However, I do wish there were more options for shopping and dining. It can get a little boring at times."

4. A newcomer to the area, Bob S. comments, "I relocated here for retirement and I couldn't be happier. The cost of living is affordable and the people are friendly. I do wish there were more community events and activities, but overall, it's a great place to live."

 based on 0 Reviews
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