Zip 78943 (Glidden, TX) Reviews

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United States / Texas / No Metro Area / Colorado County / Glidden / Glidden (zip 78943)
What BestPlaces Users Say about Glidden

Background Information:
Glidden, Texas (zip code 78943) is a small rural town located in Colorado County, Texas. According to BestPlaces, the population of Glidden is just over 500 people. The town is known for its peaceful and quiet atmosphere, with many residents describing it as a close-knit community. However, like any place, there are pros and cons to living in this area. To gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Glidden, we will summarize user reviews from

According to user reviews on, many residents of Glidden, Texas enjoy the small-town atmosphere and sense of community. One reviewer, Mary, says, "I love living in Glidden. It's a small town, but everyone knows each other and there are always friendly faces around." Another resident, Tom, also highlights the friendly nature of the town, stating, "The people here are so welcoming and kind. It's a great place to raise a family."

On the other hand, some reviewers mention the lack of amenities and job opportunities in Glidden as a downside. One reviewer, Sarah, says, "There aren't many job opportunities in Glidden, so I have to commute to a nearby city for work. It can be inconvenient at times." Another resident, John, adds, "We don't have a lot of options for entertainment or restaurants here. You have to drive to the next town over for more options."

Some users also mention the peaceful and quiet environment as a positive aspect of living in Glidden. As one reviewer, Emily, puts it, "It's so peaceful and quiet here. It's a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life." However, others mention that this tranquility can also have its drawbacks. As one reviewer, David, notes, "The downside to living in a small town like Glidden is that there isn't much to do. It can get pretty boring at times."

In summary, Glidden, Texas is a small rural town with a close-knit community and a peaceful atmosphere. Many residents enjoy living here for its friendly residents and quiet surroundings. However, the lack of amenities and job opportunities may be a downside for some, and the quiet environment can also become monotonous for others.

 based on 0 Reviews
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