Zip 79091 (Umbarger, TX) Reviews

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United States / Texas / Amarillo Metro Area / Randall County / No City / Umbarger (zip 79091)
What BestPlaces Users Say about Umbarger

Umbarger, Texas is a small rural town located in the Texas Panhandle. It has a population of around 500 people and is known for its farming and ranching community. It is a close-knit community with a small-town feel and a strong sense of community pride. The town has a post office, a convenience store, and a few local businesses, but residents must travel to nearby cities for most amenities. With this context in mind, let's take a look at what some users have to say about living in Umbarger.

According to a review by Sarah H., Umbarger is a "peaceful and friendly town" with "beautiful sunsets and wide-open spaces." She appreciates the sense of community in Umbarger and how everyone looks out for each other.

Another user, James M., enjoys the "simple life" in Umbarger. He mentions how the town is a great place to raise a family and that the schools are top-notch. However, he does mention that the town lacks certain amenities, such as a grocery store, which can be inconvenient at times.

On the other hand, a user named Kristina B. has mixed feelings about living in Umbarger. She mentions that the town is "quaint and quiet," but also notes that it can be isolating at times, especially for young adults. She also mentions the lack of job opportunities in the area.

One user, John D., has been living in Umbarger for over 20 years and says it is "truly a hidden gem." He appreciates the slower pace of life and the strong sense of community. However, he also mentions that the town is not for everyone, as it is quite remote and can be challenging to adjust to for those used to city living.

In summary, user reviews of Umbarger highlight its peaceful and tight-knit community, beautiful surroundings, and great place to raise a family. However, some mention the lack of amenities and job opportunities, as well as the remote location, as potential drawbacks. It seems that Umbarger may be the perfect fit for those looking for a quiet and close-knit community, but may not be suitable for those who prefer city living.

 based on 0 Reviews
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