2024 Compare Cities Economy:
Bloomington, IL vs St. John, IN

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- Household income in St. John, is 67% more than it is in Bloomington and is 40% above the National Average.
- Bloomington unemployment rate is 5.5%.
- St. John unemployment rate is 7.6%.
 Bloomington, ILSt. John, INUnited States
 Unemployment Rate5.5%7.6%6.0%
 Recent Job Growth1.3%1.2%1.6%
 Future Job Growth22.9%28.5%33.5%
 Sales Taxes8.8%7.0%6.2%
 Income Taxes5.0%4.7%4.6%
 Income per Cap.$38,887$46,482$37,638
 Household Income$69,003$115,230$69,021
 Family Median Income$94,379$132,281$85,028
 Est. Households By Income
 Bloomington, ILSt. John, INUnited States
 Income Less Than 15K13.4%4.0%9.4%
 Income between 15K and 20K4.1%0.9%3.8%
 Income between 20K and 30K7.3%4.2%8.1%
 Income between 30K and 40K7.2%6.8%8.0%
 Income between 40K and 50K6.5%4.2%7.6%
 Income between 50K and 60K6.0%4.9%7.2%
 Income between 60K and 75K9.9%8.3%9.6%
 Income between 75K and 100K13.4%9.6%12.8%
 Income between 100K and 150K16.3%22.2%16.3%
 Income between 150K and 200K7.5%17.2%7.8%
 Income greater than 200K8.4%17.7%9.5%
 Population By Occupation
 Bloomington, ILSt. John, INUnited States
 Management, business, finance18.2%20.6%16.4%
 Engineering, computers, science10.8%4.9%6.5%
 Community, social services1.5%0.0%1.8%
 Education, library7.5%7.2%6.2%
 Arts, design, media, sports, entertainment2.0%1.1%2.0%
 Healthcare practitioners and technology5.7%10.2%6.2%
 Healthcare support2.8%2.3%3.3%
 Firefighters, law enforcement1.6%1.5%2.1%
 Food preparation, serving5.4%2.9%5.4%
 Building maintenance3.4%1.6%3.6%
 Personal care2.5%2.7%2.6%
 Sales, office, administrative support23.9%19.5%20.9%
 Farming, fishing, forestry0.1%0.2%0.6%
 Construction, extraction, maintenance/repair4.7%9.8%8.1%
 Production, transportation, material moving9.1%13.9%13.1%
Reviews for Bloomington    18 Reviews

If you're not from here it might be hard to figure out that Bloomington and Normal are actually one city mushed together, so make sure you look up info on Normal, IL  More

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Over 10 years ago

Bloomington-Normal as a city is full of resturants and movie theaters. The downtown bar scene is dominated by ISU, IWU, and HCC students. The colleges can have some fun  More

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Bloomington-Normal as a city is full of resturants and movie theaters. The downtown bar scene is dominated by ISU, IWU, and HCC students. The colleges can have some fun  More

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Reviews for St. John    1 Reviews

I moved here 2yrs ago from Rockford, IL(which is ranked number 14 most miserable cities in America) and I hate this town more then anywhere I've ever been in my whole  More

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