2025 Compare Cities Education:
Bloomington, IN vs Hewitt, TX

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- Hewitt spends 17.1% less per student than Bloomington.
- The Student Teacher Ratio is 1.1% lower in Hewitt than in Bloomington. (lower means fewer students in each classroom).
- Hewitt had 0.4% more residents who had graduated High School compared to Bloomington
 Bloomington, INHewitt, TXUnited States
 Expend. per Student$13,668$11,324$15,905
 Educ. Expend. per Student$11,071$10,306$13,142
 Instr. Expend. per Student$6,286$6,185$7,999
 Pupil/Teacher Ratio13.8113.6616.23
 Students per Librarian79113284573
 Students per Counselor569333530
 Grade School Educ.1.6%1.4%4.8%
 Some High School Educ.4.1%4.0%6.3%
 High School Educ.94.2%94.6%88.9%
 Some College Educ.14.3%25.6%20.0%
 2 yr College Grad.5.4%13.7%8.7%
 4 yr College Grad.59.3%36.7%33.7%
 Masters Grad.22.3%9.2%9.3%
 Professional Degree3.2%1.0%2.2%
 Doctorate Degree7.2%2.8%1.5%
Reviews for Bloomington    25 Reviews

I have lived here for almost 23 years. Wonderful, cosmopolitan, safe, cultural, liberal, all-inclusive town, with plenty of arts, shopping, sports events and activities,  More

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Over 5 years ago

The city government of Bloomington is very famous for its corruption. The police of this city are famous for their inactivity and lack of professionalism. The judges  More

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Over 6 years ago

Terrible. There is nothing good about Bloomington, IN. Don’t live there. As for Catalent, there is one of those in my home town Woodstock, IL. It’s a pharmaceutical  More

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