2025 Compare Cities Overview:
Clovis, NM vs Elk City, OK

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Are people in Elk City older or younger than people in Clovis?
- The Median Age in Elk City is 2.9 years older than in Clovis.

Are housing costs cheaper in Elk City or Clovis?
- Elk City housing costs are 1.0% more expensive than Clovis housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Elk City or Clovis?
- The average commute for residents of Elk City is 1.5 minutes longer than it is for residents of Clovis.

Things to do in Clovis?
Clovis, New Mexico is located in Curry County providing residents entertainment options from exploring the Blackwater Draw Site to swimming at Hillcrest Park Pool & Water Slide combined with shops like Yucca Shopping Center and job prospects through Plains Regional Medical Center

Things to do in Elk City?
Elk City, OK is located in Beckham County on Interstate 40 near Sayre. With a population of more than 12,000 people it's one of Oklahoma's largest cities and has many recreational activities available like fishing at nearby Foss Lake or visiting Wildhorse State Park for hiking or camping adventures.

 Clovis, NMElk City, OKUnited States
 Median Income$50,109$44,159$69,021
 Median Age31.834.738.4
 Avg. Home Price$144,600$146,100$338,100
 Unemployment Rate5.7%5.0%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time14.1515.6126.38
Reviews for Clovis    18 Reviews

Over 5 years ago

I’ve lived here for almost 2 years now. This is by far the worst place I’ve ever lived. Nothing to do. ONE OB/GYN for the whole town. My skin & hair have never been so  More

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Clovis isn't going to win any beauty pageants, and driving along the highways you will see many old ugly buildings, and you will be driving through the poorest areas. If  More

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Literally the worst place I have EVER lived. Not only is there almost nothing to do, going out anywhere to do anything.. like grocery shopping, is just awful. I have  More

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Reviews for Elk City    1 Reviews

Over 15 years ago

Elk City has very friendly people! The climate is very good. Not exceptionally cold in the winter. Very little snow. Summers can be hot but not a lot of days of  More

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