2024 Compare Cities Overview:
Concord, NC vs Blowing Rock, NC

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Are people in Blowing Rock older or younger than people in Concord?
- The Median Age in Blowing Rock is 23.3 years older than in Concord.

Are housing costs cheaper in Blowing Rock or Concord?
- Blowing Rock housing costs are 78.2% more expensive than Concord housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Blowing Rock or Concord?
- The average commute for residents of Blowing Rock is 7.5 minutes shorter than it is for residents of Concord.

Things to do in Concord?
Concord, North Carolina is a vibrant city located near Charlotte. Home to a range of attractions and activities from shopping, dining, and entertainment to outdoor recreation such as hiking, camping, fishing and golfing - Concord has something for everyone. With a rich history and culture, there are many historical sites to visit here including the Historic Cabarrus County Courthouse and the Rocky River Presbyterian Church. Whether you're looking for entertainment or adventure through nature - Concord is the place for you!

Things to do in Blowing Rock?
Living in Blowing Rock, NC is a truly unique experience. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, this small mountain town offers beautiful views and plenty of outdoor activities to take part in. The summers are warm and sunny while the winters offer plenty of snow for skiing, snowshoeing, or just admiring the frozen landscape. Residents love taking advantage of the nearby trails and lakes for hikes, fishing and scenic drives. There are also many great restaurants and shops to explore downtown, offering something for everyone. The locals are welcoming and friendly, creating an atmosphere that is both laid-back and supportive. Despite its small size, there is always something new to discover in Blowing Rock.

 Concord, NCBlowing Rock, NCUnited States
 Median Income$78,775$99,306$69,021
 Median Age37.76138.4
 Avg. Home Price$345,000$614,800$338,100
 Unemployment Rate4.5%3.4%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time27.4119.9626.38
Reviews for Concord    8 Reviews

I am looking to relocate due to a new job offer in north Carolina. Ive narrowed my search of cities down to Concord. Some of my concerns coming from California is how is  More

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I recently just moved to Concord, NC from long island. The people are more than polite. The Weather is amazing and the cost of living is reasonable and affordable. I  More

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Over 13 years ago

North Carolina Is very boring. If you want to move to a small town with alot of nice people concord is not the place. Im dying to get out of NC because people are moving  More

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Reviews for Blowing Rock    2 Reviews

Over 10 years ago

I've been in Blowing Rock for about 8 years and can't wait to leave this gloomy place. It is grey and cloudy most of the time. The rating it has on this site of 199  More

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Over 16 years ago

great in the summer, but very cold in the  More

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