2024 Compare Cities Overview:
Leitchfield, KY vs Cookeville, TN

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Are people in Cookeville older or younger than people in Leitchfield?
- The Median Age in Cookeville is 9.0 years younger than in Leitchfield.

Are housing costs cheaper in Cookeville or Leitchfield?
- Cookeville housing costs are 81.3% more expensive than Leitchfield housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Cookeville or Leitchfield?
- The average commute for residents of Cookeville is 1.8 minutes shorter than it is for residents of Leitchfield.

Things to do in Leitchfield?
Living in Leitchfield, KY is a great experience for those who love small town life. The town is full of friendly people and has a great sense of community. It's a very safe place to live with an overall low crime rate. The cost of living is lower than the national average, making it an ideal place for families and individuals looking for an affordable home. There are also plenty of recreational opportunities around town including fishing, camping, hunting, swimming, and boating. In addition to these activities there are a variety of festivals, events and local attractions throughout the year that keep the community lively and active. All in all living in Leitchfield is an enjoyable experience that provides quality living without breaking the bank.

Things to do in Cookeville?
Cookeville, TN is nestled in the Upper Cumberland Plateau providing numerous outdoor activities including hiking and biking trails as well as several cultural attractions like art galleries, music venues and museums.

 Leitchfield, KYCookeville, TNUnited States
 Median Income$37,309$43,611$69,021
 Median Age393038.4
 Avg. Home Price$158,500$287,300$338,100
 Unemployment Rate6.0%5.4%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time21.2819.4426.38
Reviews for Leitchfield    0 Reviews

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Reviews for Cookeville    12 Reviews

Over 2 years ago

I lived in Cookeville for around 7 years non consecutively. Don’t expect to go on a walk here. Sidewalks are fairly abundant but they are not well maintained and there  More

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My wife and I both moved here to work for state government. Other people are right, the pay is awful, hovering around $28k for people with masters and doctorates. Rental  More

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Been here for 4-5 years now, crime is on the rise and pay is stagnant, don't look for much over 28k a year in gross income here. Lots of areas are getting metro  More

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