2024 Compare Cities People:
Raleigh, NC vs Durham, NC

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- Durham is 0% more densely populated than Raleigh.
- People are 2.1% more likely to be married in Durham.
- The Median Age is 0.4 years older in Durham.
 Raleigh, NCDurham, NCUnited States
 Female Population51.4%52.9%50.5%
 Male Population48.6%47.1%49.5%
 Median Age34.234.638.4
 Population - 2010406,412231,586309,327,143
 Population - 2000276,093187,035285,036,114
 Population - 1990207,951136,611251,960,433
 Pop. 2000 to Now71.8%52.9%15.6%
 Pop. 1990 to Now128.1%109.3%30.8%
 Population Density3,181.72,488.193.4
 Land Area145.3112.23,531,905.4
 Water Area1.10.9264,836.8
 Est. Total Population By Age
 Raleigh, NCDurham, NCUnited States
 Age 0 to 45.6%6.4%5.9%
 Age 5 to 95.5%5.7%6.1%
 Age 10 to 146.0%5.5%6.6%
 Age 15 to 173.5%3.3%3.9%
 Age 18 to 205.6%5.0%4.0%
 Age 21 to 246.7%6.0%5.2%
 Age 25 to 3418.6%19.1%13.8%
 Age 35 to 4414.5%14.0%12.9%
 Age 45 to 5412.8%11.9%12.6%
 Age 55 to 595.7%5.6%6.7%
 Age 60 to 644.7%5.4%6.3%
 Age 65 to 746.6%7.7%9.6%
 Age 75 to 843.0%3.3%4.5%
 Age 85 and over1.2%1.3%1.9%
 Raleigh, NCDurham, NCUnited States
 Native American0.2%0.2%0.6%
 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander0.0%0.1%0.2%
 Two or More Races2.9%3.5%3.2%
 Marriage & Family
 Raleigh, NCDurham, NCUnited States
 Married Population42.1%42.9%49.8%
     Currently Married40.0%40.7%48.0%
 Married but Separated2.1%2.2%1.8%
 Single Population57.9%57.1%50.2%
 Never Married43.2%43.1%33.8%
 Household Size2.372.272.60
 Family Households101,51764,95380,755,759
     Married couple, w/children31.5%27.4%30.5%
     Married couple, no children38.6%39.4%42.9%
 Non Family Households85,71752,68543,255,233
     Single householder, w/children19.0%20.7%15.8%
     Single householder, no children11.0%12.4%10.8%
Reviews for Raleigh    224 Reviews

I moved to Raleigh in 2018. Before that, I lived in Orange County CA, Boulder CO, South Africa, Northern California, Arizona, and Toronto. I say all this to give  More

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Excellent for a great many people or categories of people. As far as prices: ratio of wage and job opportunity here with housing remains one of the better ones in the  More

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Over 1 years ago

I attended university here in the early 90s and came back around 2005 and never left. I'm surprised at the other negative reviews honestly. Yes, housing is pricey in  More

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Reviews for Durham    43 Reviews

I was raised in this city, left for work in the 2010s, and returned in 2018. This city has changed a lot over the years for the better. Growing up there was not a ton to  More

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Over 3 years ago

I've lived in durham for a few years and my experience is coming from someone who has traveled all over the world and has lived in many different states. First things  More

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Over 3 years ago

I live here for my entire life and it has never gotten boring, I love the scenery, nightlife and basically everything here. There is always something new to do and  More

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