2025 Compare Cities People:
Salem, OR vs Summerlin South, NV

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- Summerlin South is 0% more densely populated than Salem.
- People are 22.8% more likely to be married in Summerlin South.
- The Median Age is 10.5 years older in Summerlin South.
 Salem, ORSummerlin South, NVUnited States
 Female Population49.0%50.3%50.5%
 Male Population51.0%49.7%49.5%
 Median Age35.746.238.4
 Population - 2010155,22321,816309,327,143
 Population - 2000136,9243,735285,036,114
 Population - 1990107,7863251,960,433
 Pop. 2000 to Now28.5%670.3%15.6%
 Pop. 1990 to Now63.2%958,866.7%30.8%
 Population Density3,580.82,980.093.4
 Land Area48.69.73,531,905.4
 Water Area0.60.0264,836.8
 Est. Total Population By Age
 Salem, ORSummerlin South, NVUnited States
 Age 0 to 46.2%5.7%5.9%
 Age 5 to 96.6%6.0%6.1%
 Age 10 to 147.1%5.7%6.6%
 Age 15 to 174.2%2.7%3.9%
 Age 18 to 204.3%1.7%4.0%
 Age 21 to 245.1%2.6%5.2%
 Age 25 to 3415.5%9.0%13.8%
 Age 35 to 4414.0%14.6%12.9%
 Age 45 to 5411.6%14.4%12.6%
 Age 55 to 594.8%5.1%6.7%
 Age 60 to 646.0%6.3%6.3%
 Age 65 to 748.9%14.2%9.6%
 Age 75 to 844.2%8.8%4.5%
 Age 85 and over1.5%3.4%1.9%
 Salem, ORSummerlin South, NVUnited States
 Native American0.6%0.0%0.6%
 Hawaiian, Pacific Islander1.7%0.7%0.2%
 Two or More Races4.8%5.4%3.2%
 Marriage & Family
 Salem, ORSummerlin South, NVUnited States
 Married Population46.7%57.4%49.8%
     Currently Married45.1%56.8%48.0%
 Married but Separated1.6%0.6%1.8%
 Single Population53.3%42.6%50.2%
 Never Married34.6%21.2%33.8%
 Household Size2.582.312.60
 Family Households40,3827,68880,755,759
     Married couple, w/children31.3%28.7%30.5%
     Married couple, no children39.6%53.9%42.9%
 Non Family Households24,0444,75743,255,233
     Single householder, w/children19.2%12.3%15.8%
     Single householder, no children9.9%5.1%10.8%
Reviews for Salem    37 Reviews

After reading the reviews here, I had to come write my own. The problem I had with most of the reviews is that most were very opinion-based and seemed to assume everyone  More

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Moved here approx. 4 years ago from SW Michigan, but I've lived in 9 other cities & 5 other states. Salem is a very manageable sized city, with tons of parks, diverse  More

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Over 5 years ago

I'm a native 5th generation Oregonian, so bear in mind that I was born with webs between my toes! Anyway, I used to think it rained too much when I was young. Then I  More

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Reviews for Summerlin South    2 Reviews

Over 3 years ago

This place is incredible. Clean, modern and only trending up. Cooler than most of Las Vegas. They take care of this area and it has everything you could want. More  More

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Over 14 years ago

Las Vegas has great weather 9 months a year,great p;ace for retirement.No state income taxes.Plenty to do here. I was born and raised near Pittsburg,Pa.,went to school  More

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