2024 Compare Cities Overview:
Slinger, WI vs Prineville, OR

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Are people in Prineville older or younger than people in Slinger?
- The Median Age in Prineville is 2.3 years younger than in Slinger.

Are housing costs cheaper in Prineville or Slinger?
- Prineville housing costs are 7.4% more expensive than Slinger housing costs.

Which city has a longer commute, Prineville or Slinger?
- The average commute for residents of Prineville is 2.9 minutes shorter than it is for residents of Slinger.

Things to do in Slinger?
Slinger, WI is a small town located just outside of Milwaukee, in the beautiful countryside of Washington County. It's a great place to call home because it offers small-town charm, with easy access to all the amenities of a larger city like Milwaukee. People here enjoy all four seasons and have plenty of outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, biking and camping nearby. The community is close knit, with friendly neighbors and family-friendly events throughout the year. The cost of living is also quite affordable, making Slinger an excellent option for those looking for a good quality of life on a budget.

Things to do in Prineville?
Prineville OR is located at boundaries of Crook County Oregon featuring population just above 9700 occupying 4 square miles consisting well maintained residential areas alongside nice wild habitat zones providing travelers opportunity to explore scenic view Soap Creek falls , Smith Rock State Park or Simons Butte historical lookout point all making prineville famous amongst local residents as great day out exploring exciting places when time allows.

 Slinger, WIPrineville, ORUnited States
 Median Income$84,955$44,167$69,021
 Median Age43.240.938.4
 Avg. Home Price$350,000$375,800$338,100
 Unemployment Rate4.0%8.3%6.0%
 Avg. Commute Time26.3823.4426.38
Reviews for Slinger    1 Reviews

Over 13 years ago

I managed a local ski resort and would watch the weather very closely in the winter. Rather cold temperatures were very good for making snow with light winds. Our skiers  More

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Reviews for Prineville    7 Reviews

Sunshine 300 days a year, friendly people, conservative values. Less than an hour from  More

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Over 6 years ago

Prineville is a great place to live, if you can find a home to live in. There is a housing shortage, at less than 1% and holding for more than 3 years. Otherwise, we  More

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We moved to Prineville from La Pine Oregon. Prineville is a smaller town of about 9k but has a huge amount of things that often go unnoticed. The beauty that surrounds  More

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