dgCOL_ItemDataBound 13 Conversion from string "editaccount.aspx" to type 'Double' is not valid. Iowa City, Iowa vs. United States, Food Compare

Iowa City, Iowa vs. United States,

Food and Grocery Comparison

Our Premium Cost of Living Calculator includes Food & Groceries indexes and prices for Meats, Fruits and Vegetables, Milk and Eggs, Bread, Ground Beef, Sugar, Coffee, Beer and other must-know details.

Upgrade to Premium
Food & Groceries
  0.3% higher in United States,
than in Iowa City, Iowa
Iowa City, IA vs. Iowa City, IA
Compared to Iowa City, Iowa City is:
  Food & Groceries Overall
  0.3% higher
Need info on childcare, taxes & rent?

In order to keep your same standard of living your salary can vary greatly - whether you buy or rent, require childcare, or want to include taxes. This is why we are now offering a Premium Salary & Cost of Living Calculator.

Our Premium Calculator Includes:
• Compare cost of living in thousands of cities across 9 different categories
• See childcare details for toddlers or infants, at a day care or in-home
• Include renter data and taxes (including state and local sales, income, property and automobile taxes)
• Grocery prices, detailed for 29 staple items in six categories
• Utility rates, including electric, gas and fuel oil
• Healthcare premiums and hospital expenses
...and hundreds of additional data points
   Food and Grocery Averages

      Food & Grocery Prices
Iowa City, IA  United States, US  DateModified, DT
Housing Expenses