King George, Virginia vs. Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina

Cost of Living Comparison

The cost of living in Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina is essentially the same as King George, Virginia.
The cost of living in Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina is essentially the same as King George, Virginia.

King George, VA vs. Fuquay Varina, NC
Compared to King George, Fuquay Varina is:
      No Child Care, Taxes not Considered
  0.3% higher
      Child Care, Taxes not Considered
      Child Care, Taxes Considered
      No Child Care, Taxes Considered
      No Child Care, Taxes not Considered
      Child Care, Taxes not Considered
      Child Care, Taxes Considered
      No Child Care, Taxes Considered
  7.3% lower
  Housing (Homeowner)
  3.1% lower
  Housing (Rent)
  Median Home Cost
  6.2% lower
  18.7% higher
  8.6% lower
  7.0% lower

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