Salona, PA Crime


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In Salona, PA, the amount of violent crime is lower than the US average at 22.7 while the amount of property crime is higher than the US average at 35.4. This means that citizens in Salona likely experience more instances of theft, vandalism and other non-violent crimes but fewer muggings, assaults, or homicides than what can be found in other parts of the country. It is important for residents in Salona to remain aware of their surroundings and practice basic safety habits to protect themselves from becoming victims of crime.

NOTE: The city of Salona, Pennsylvania does not have FBI Crime Statistics. The closest similar sized city with FBI crime data is the city of Mill Hall, Pennsylvania. The charts below are detailed crime statistics for the city of Mill Hall, Pennsylvania. Click links below to see charts for each crime category.
 Violent Crimes  - Murder  Rape  Robbery  Assault
 Property Crimes  - Burglary  Larceny  Auto Theft
Mill Hall, PA Crime History
*Closest City
Year Violent Murder Rape Robbery Assault Property Burglary Larceny Auto

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City Violent
per 100k
per 100k
Pop. Miles Data
Mill Hall, PA0.00.01,61522018
Lamar township, PA0.039.22,52522018
Lock Haven, PA217.01,280.19,09442018
Woodward township (Clinton County), PA0.00.02,40372018
Dunnstable, PA0.00.01,01972019
Pine Creek township (Clinton County), PA0.0185.13,302102019
   Crime in Similar Size Cities
City Violent
per 100k
per 100k
Pop. Miles Data
Mill Hall, PA00.01,61522018
Lamar township, PA0.039.22,52522018
Lock Haven, PA217.01,280.19,09442018
Woodward township (Clinton County), PA0.00.02,40372018
Dunnstable, PA0.00.01,01972019
Pine Creek township (Clinton County), PA0.0185.13,302102019

   Visualize the relationship between violent and property crime in similar size cities.

   Crime by Location

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