Zip 72327 (Crawfordsville, AR) Crime


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Crawfordsville, Arkansas has an average violent crime rate of 39.8, which is considerably higher than the national average of 22.7. Additionally, the property crime rate in Crawfordsville is 44.9 which is also significantly higher than the national average of 35.4. This indicates that Crawfordsville has a higher crime rate than what's typical throughout the United States and suggests that it may not be an ideal place to live if safety is a major concern.

Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime)

Crawfordsville (zip 72327) violent crime is 39.8. (The US average is 22.7)
Crawfordsville (zip 72327) property crime is 44.9. (The US average is 35.4)

NOTE: The city of Crawfordsville, Arkansas does not have FBI Crime Statistics. The closest similar sized city with FBI crime data is the city of Jericho, Arkansas. The charts below are detailed crime statistics for the city of Jericho, Arkansas. Click links below to see charts for each crime category.
 Violent Crimes  - Murder  Rape  Robbery  Assault
 Property Crimes  - Burglary  Larceny  Auto Theft
Jericho, AR Crime History
*Closest City
Year Violent Murder Rape Robbery Assault Property Burglary Larceny Auto

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Marion, AR988.33,070.39,90472019
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West Memphis, AR1,984.35,011.924,66892019
Parkin, AR573.11,050.61,047132016
Tyronza, AR0.01,340.5741182018
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Pop. Miles Data
Jericho, AR00.010662019
Earle, AR681.52,090.02,25692019
Parkin, AR573.11,050.61,047132016
Tyronza, AR0.01,340.5741182018
Marked Tree, AR690.52,030.92,462212019
Hughes, AR638.01,674.61,254212018

   Visualize the relationship between violent and property crime in similar size cities.

   Crime by Location
