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Baltimore, MD

It use to be nice but now its scary - 10/1/2017
I grew up in Bmore and it was nice back in the 80s a little rough in some area's but still safe, after about early mid 90s this crime has gone up , the city is getting beat up and I can't even go to the Inner harbor which I trusted at these times without fear that I will be killed, some area's are still Ok I trust them but still not as good as they use to be, Towson is still ok in my opinion and whitemarsh area and Parkville, a few other area's near by too but getting into the heart of the city, its horrible and needs to be cleaned up, we are a state that has money, this slum crap does not need to stay, I still love Maryland but certain area's are not what they use to be, I would not live in Baltimore at this time, however there are good Hospitals and great food, things to do .

Maryland, MD

Lots to do in Maryland and beautiful state - 10/1/2017
I was born here and sill live here 43 years later, the thing I don't like is the cold winters, we can get very cold and get plenty of snow and the summer can get very humid slightly un predictable weather and for me its bad flu seasons with the changes but I love the activities and its a beautiful state, lots to explore and see and nice shopping malls and great food, especially Maryland crab and sea foods, the people on the other hand some are friendly and some act stuck up, it depends on who you meet, people seem un predictable as well but I guess that is everywhere, we have lots of History here and great radio stations as well as some fairly good hospitals like St Joes , Greater Balt, medical and Johns hopkins. we have the Baltimore Aquarium as well which I love but sadly the Baltimore city area and Aquarium area has gone down hill due to violence, its a slighlty high cost as well to live here in MD land cost and house prices are just kinda high. I would have given MD 3 1/2 stars but it does not have it so I gave 4 . I still love my state there are nice country area's going North Maryland if you want to get away from the crowds but there is less to do, there is lots of fishing however which I love and Ocean city beach is very nice !

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