Reviews & Comments
West Virginia, WV
Avoid West Virginia ! -
10/25/2014Fact West Virginia
Among the states with highest illiteracy rates in USA
Among the state with the highest teen pregnancies in USA among unwed mothers
Among the states with highest rates of reported gonorrhea in USA
West Virginia is among the lowest rental rates and property values in USA for SUBSTANDARD HOUSING High taxes
Not unusual in 'good' neighborhoods to see farm equipment, sofas and junk in front yard, no deed restrictions, cables strung from telephone poles for television and internet service resemble spider webs in most areas The overall impression is of a decaying lower class island decades behind the rest of the country, downtown streets in state capitol are so void of people footsteps echo during the daytime
No cultural opportunities, Mountain Stages is the only broadcast from state, there is a pathetic display in State Capitol Building
No intellectual opportunities, state colleges have poor national academic ratings
Chemical and Coal Corporations contribute to the numerous cancer clusters near state capitol and terrible air quality in city of South Charleston, water crisis in 2014 featured in newspapers around the world.
Poor infrastructure maintenance, mountainous communities, state capitol frequent power outages
The interlocutory system of corruption mimics a cartel state
Same law firm has retainer to represent City Police, 911 emergency call center, the county prosecutor, the major local hospital, the coal and chemical corporations, several state agencies. If you are a victim of a crime on premises of any of the above, forget about legal representation. Legal Aid in WV cannot represent actions against law enforecment, hospital, corporation or landlord tenant relations.
Senator Rockefeller and family own shares in both major state capitol daily newspapers, The Mail and Gazette.
Two governors have gone to prison, today one has a daughter running for national office,more than one convict in the family, Crime in the family.
Gangs are entrenched and develop partially from limited social exposure, state capitol has two high public high schools. Students cooperate with one another to the point they place no value on independent thought or individuality, the insular social structure enforces gritty, industrial slum behavior and culture.
Xenophobia is part of the culture.
Women marry younger in WVa, very few opportuniites for women in WV outside the legal, medical and educational professions.
Gangs in West Virginia are violent