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Reviews & Comments

Fresno, CA

Racism, Rednecks, Repression by Evangelic - 3/9/2019
This comment is totally bogus. I lived in Fresno for nearly 40 years, and NOT ONCE did I observe any KKK activity whatsoever. This person obviously is a left-wing loony, with an ingrained bias against Christians, conservatives, and white males in general. Fresno may indeed have its problems (poor air quality, crime, gang activity) but racism and the KKK are not among them. BTW, the Democratic candidate(s) carried Fresno County for the past three Presidential elections. That doesn't sound very conservative to me.

Boise City, ID

Californians relocating to Idaho - 8/9/2018
As one who relocated from central California to Boise several years ago, I would submit these suggestions to Californians for their edification:
(And, no, we didn't bring a ton of home equity with us to drive up local property prices. We moved here to escape the intolerable social and political environment that existed, and still exists, in California, that makes living there a nightmare for politically conservative/Republican people like us. Plus, we have close family here in Boise that we wanted to be near as we get up in years.)

1) Don't be running your mouths about being from California! Nobody wants to hear that, and you may find yourself on the receiving end of some choice language.
2) Get IDAHO plates and tags ASAP for your vehicle(s), as well as obtain an IDAHO driver's license, immediately after moving here. The local cops take a dim view of CA plates, especially if you get pulled over for speeding, and will not cut you any slack.
3) Do NOT wax eloquent on how great things were "down in Cali." This won't make you any friends, and you'll probably be asked why you still aren't living there.
4) Be careful to show the utmost courtesy and respect to others while you are driving. No gratuitous horn honking and/or showing people half a peace symbol as a demonstration of your displeasure or impatience with others. Yeah, I know some of the long-time residents drive like jerks, but that doesn't mean that YOU should.
5) Be very circumspect in expressing your political, social and religious views, ESPECIALLY if they run toward the liberal end of the spectrum. This is IDAHO, after all, not some left coast peoples' paradise. Statewide, Republicans outnumber Democrats 5 to 1 in the legislature, and 2 to 1 in voter registration, and people want it to stay that way. If you are a Bernie Sanders or HRC person, then you may want to reconsider your decision to move to Idaho.
6) Do NOT bad-mouth the Mormons, who comprise approximately 15-20% of the local religious population. That means that there is a 1 in 5 chance your careless words may insult someone whom you otherwise might really want to get to know better. FYI, I am NOT now, nor have I ever been, a member of the LDS organization, so please don't accuse me of being sympathetic to the Mormons. Be polite and respectful, as you would be to anyone else. This doesn't mean you have to gladly tolerate their over zealous proselytizing on Saturday mornings, though. Mormons make good neighbors, and hold to some very positive family values. Just saying.
7) Likewise, do NOT bad-mouth the local Boise State football team. During the fall season, the Broncos are the number ONE athletic draw here in southern Idaho, and have a very devoted local following. You may care less for college football; if so, keep it to yourself, thank you.
That's all that comes to mind for now. If I've missed anything, I'm sure that others will fill in my oversights. Cheers to one and all.

Boise City, ID

Just like heaven... - 3/22/2018
Having relocated from Fresno, CA to Boise in Nov. 2014, all I can say is, "Thank God!" It's like a breath of fresh air after having lived in crime-ridden, overtaxed California for 30+ years. No more loonie, left-wing politics to destroy the economy. No more marxist "gun control" laws to disarm honest citizens, and no more "Big Brother" state government trying to enforce its P.C. propaganda on hard-working families. FYI, we didn't move up to Boise with a ton of home equity money. The house we bought here in Boise cost about the same as the one we sold in Fresno. So please, all you Bay area and SoCal types--stay away! You've already ruined your own state--don't do the same to Idaho.

Boise, ID

re: Outdated
- 3/22/2018
I read with some amusement your "outdated" comments regarding Boise, ID. Having moved from Fresno, CA to Boise in Nov. 2014, I can only say, "Thank God!" California, once (maybe 30+ years ago) a wonderful place in which to live and raise a family, has become, courtesy of its Democrat-dominated legislature, another failed, 3rd world state. They should rename it "Commie-fornia," due to the far-left, loonie politics that predominate there. And you, having lived in bankrupt Stockton, should know this all too well. Yeah, Idaho may be, in some ways, a little rough around the edges. But that's a small price to pay for living in a free, low-tax state, where the government is small and leaves its citizens alone to run their own lives. And even though housing prices may have been on the rise lately (too many Bay area and L.A. people driving up real estate values), most working people can still afford to purchase a decent home in the Boise area. So you can have, crime-ridden, gang-infested Stockton, CA. We don't need your marxist-types in Idaho spoiling our wonderful state. Adios, comrade!

California, CA

re: A shadow of its' former glory...
- 9/9/2017
To borrow a line from Metallica, "Sad, but true!"

California, CA

re: Cali Girl Born and Raised
- 9/9/2017
So, if you love "Cali" so much, why are you now residing in Bend, Oregon...hmmm?

California, CA

All hope abandon, ye who enter here. - 9/9/2017
After living in California for nearly 40 years, we finally gave up on trying to adapt to the "progressively" worsening conditions. Which? Ever increasing taxes and bonded indebtedness by the left-wing state government; adding more benefits & services for illegals (oops, I mean undocumented immigrants). Governor (Moonbeam) Jerry Brown is still stuck in the 1970's, knowing only how to increase taxes and the size of government. Air pollution, urban sprawl and gang violence are all out of control. We said, "Enough!" and relocated to Idaho, and have never had any cause to regret our decision. Idaho has a much smaller, less intrusive state government, along with with modest, reasonable taxes. And the violent crime rate is miniscule compared to CA. People still leave their cars unlocked at the local shopping mall. I'm almost afraid to post this review, on the chance that it might bring more disgruntled/liberal Californians up here to Idaho, and ruin a wonderful place to live.

Idaho, ID

Almost heaven.....compared to CA - 9/7/2017
After living in California for over 30 years, we finally gave up on trying to adapt to the "progressively" worsening conditions. Which? Ever increasing taxes and bonded indebtedness by the left-wing state government; adding more benefits & services for illegals (oops, I mean undocumented immigrants). Governor (Moonbeam) Jerry Brown is still stuck in the 1970's, knowing only how to increase taxes and the size of government. Air pollution, urban sprawl and gang violence are all out of control. We said, "Enough!" and relocated to Idaho, and have never had any cause to regret our decision. Idaho has a much smaller, less intrusive state government, along with with modest, reasonable taxes. And the violent crime rate is miniscule compared to CA. I'm almost afraid to post this review, on the chance that it might bring more disgruntled Californians up here to Idaho, and ruin a wonderful place to live.

Arizona, AZ

re: Beautiful state, but... - 9/25/2011
- 3/17/2013
If you think that politics are "toxic" in AZ, just try living in CA for a while. The leftist-controlled legislature keeps adding more bonded indebtedness, and more benefits for undocumented (illegal) aliens, while driving small businesses out of the state (and into Nevada or Arizona). That's toxic!

Arizona, AZ

re: WAY TOO RED! - 12/24/2012
- 3/17/2013
Got a deal for you. I'll trade you my house in blue-state CA for your house in red-state AZ. Problems solved, no? After living for a while in the People's Republic of California, you'll be ready to crawl back to AZ, if necessary, Steve.

California, CA

re: Fading into the sunset.... - 3/6/2013
- 3/10/2013
Addendum: this state should be renamed to "Cali-foreign-ia."

California, CA

Fading into the sunset.... - 3/6/2013
California, like the U.S. govt, is broke, but refuses to face the fact. The left-wing controlled legislature keeps piling on more bonded indebtedness, more personal and business taxes, and adding more benefits & services for illegals (oops, I mean undocumented immigrants). Who will be left to pay for all this spending? The rich? They're all fleeing to other states. The poor? Are you joking?--they don't pay any taxes to speak of. The middle class? Fast becoming an endangered species, and trying to follow the rich to wherever they're heading. Got the picture? California, once a truly golden place to live, has become just another failed, third-world state. Congratulations, (liberal) politicians!

California, CA

re: liberal and inventive - 9/2/2012
- 11/12/2012
More like: Liberal and indebted. California, like the U.S. govt, is broke, but refuses to face the fact. The left-wing controlled legislature keeps piling on more bonded indebtedness, more personal and business taxes, and adding more benefits & services for illegals (oops, I mean undocumented immigrants). Who will be left to pay for all this spending? The rich? They're all fleeing to other states. The poor? Are you joking--they don't pay any taxes to speak of. The middle class? Fast becoming an endangered species, and trying to follow the rich to wherever they're heading. Got the picture? California has become just another failed, third-world state. Congratulations, (liberal) politicians!

California, CA

Run for your lives - 11/9/2012
Fast becoming a third-world, socialist paradise. Illegals have more rights than the native-born U.S. citizens. Left-wing Democrats control both houses of the legislature, and all major statewide elective offices. Governor (Moonbeam) Jerry Brown is still stuck in the 1970's, knowing only how to increase taxes and the size of government. Woe to you if you're White and/or conservative. We're seriously considering joining the rest of my family in Texas, where sanity still rules.

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