Greensboro, GA is a small town located in Greene County with a population of around 2,400 people. The education system in Greensboro is known for its commitment to providing quality learning opportunities for students. Schools in the area have excellent ratings and offer an array of courses and programs that are designed to meet the needs of all children. The school district works diligently to ensure that all students receive the support and resources they need to excel academically. They also strive to maintain a strong relationship between schools, families, and community members so that everyone can work together to promote educational excellence. As such, the local education system is highly respected within Greensboro and is considered one of the best in the state.
Greensboro schools spend $14,052 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 260 students per librarian, and 476 children per counselor.