Fort Wayne, IN Education


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Fort Wayne, Indiana is a great place to raise a family and receive an excellent education. The city boasts numerous local public schools, many of which have high ratings from the Indiana Department of Education. The local education system has experienced recent growth in student performance on both state and national assessments. With rigorous academic standards, advanced programs, and modern facilities, Fort Wayne’s schools are preparing students for success in college and beyond. Local educators are committed to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment that promotes creativity and critical thinking skills. Many of the schools offer extracurricular activities such as sports teams, clubs, music instruction, arts classes, internships, career preparation workshops and more. With its welcoming community atmosphere and strong commitment to educational excellence, Fort Wayne is an ideal location for students seeking an engaging learning experience.

Fort Wayne schools spend $10,835 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 19 pupils per teacher, 764 students per librarian, and 932 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationFort Wayne, IndianaUnited States
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Over 2 years ago

Fort Wayne is what America used to be. Hardworking, unpretentious, welcoming. There are problems, like anywhere, including crime on the east side, but nothing like  More

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Over 6 years ago

Moved here from Buffalo, NY. Ft Wayne is a big city with lots of greenery and things to do. It is not congested and cost of living is cheap. One complain-drivers with  More

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I lived in Fort Wayne from 1962 until 1988 then moved north. Fort Wayne was a nice city at one time. It's sad to say, but today, it's become to highly populated with  More

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