Arkansas City, KS Education


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United States / Kansas / No Metro Area / Cowley County / Arkansas City / Zip Codes
The education in Arkansas City, KS is highly rated and is consistently ranked among the top in the state. It has an excellent school system with a wide variety of curriculums ranging from early childhood through high school. The schools are well-funded and offer resources such as tutoring programs and other academic support services. The teachers and administrators are dedicated to providing a quality education for all students, and they receive plenty of support from local businesses, organizations, and community members. Students of all ages can find educational opportunities that meet their individual needs, whether that means advanced courses or after-school activities. Arkansas City offers a safe learning environment with strong parental involvement and many options for extracurricular activities. Overall, Arkansas City is an ideal place for families looking to provide their children with an excellent education.

Arkansas City schools spend $10,517 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 322 students per librarian, and 473 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationArkansas City, KansasUnited States
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Over 19 years ago

For a town with and income less than 75% of the national income, property taxes, income taxes and sales taxes are quite high. In addition, water rates are some of the  More

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Over 19 years ago

Incorporated in the late 1870's Arkansas City (AC)is the largest town in Cowley County, although Winfield is the county seat. AC is a nice rural city on the western edge  More

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