Clare, MI is a small city in Mid Michigan with an estimated population of just over 5,000. Despite its small size, Clare is home to several educational facilities and institutions that provide quality education opportunities for local students. The public elementary school district consistently earns \"Excellent\" ratings from the state Department of Education, with many of the schools in the district achieving highly satisfactory ratings. Additionally, Clare Public Schools regularly ranks among the best in student performance on statewide standardized tests. For those looking for further education opportunities, Central Michigan University is located close by and offers a range of college courses and programs. There are also several private institutions and organizations offering specialized educational programming for adults and young learners alike. All combined, Clare provides a well-rounded selection of educational opportunities for both children and adults alike that make it an excellent place to study or raise a family.
Clare schools spend $9,358 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 19 pupils per teacher, 1,524 students per librarian, and 935 children per counselor.