Akeley, MN is a small town located in Northern Minnesota. It is known for its excellent schools and commitment to providing high-quality education for its students. The school district in Akeley boasts a great rating, with the latest performance ratings from the state showing that students are consistently performing above average when compared to other schools around the state. Local education initiatives focus on providing up-to-date learning materials and resource support to help ensure that all students receive top-notch instruction and have adequate access to tools designed to enhance their educational experience. In addition, teachers work hard to provide engaging and stimulating lessons that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills while also emphasizing basic core knowledge. With all of these factors in place, it comes as no surprise that Akeley’s educational system continues to thrive.
Akeley schools spend $12,060 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 797 students per librarian, and 0 children per counselor.