The education in Golden Valley, MN is highly rated and it is well known for its quality. The local schools are held to a high standard of excellence and offer excellent opportunities for students. They have strong academic programs and many extracurricular activities available to their students. There is an emphasis on helping each student reach their maximum potential, both academically and socially. The teachers are committed to providing a safe environment for learning and fostering a positive learning experience for all students. Additionally, the city has a number of higher education institutions that provide access to higher education opportunities for residents of Golden Valley. These institutions offer bachelor's degrees in various fields such as business, medicine, arts and sciences. All in all, the educational opportunities available to those living in Golden Valley are both plentiful and high-quality.
Golden Valley schools spend $15,281 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 18 pupils per teacher, 585 students per librarian, and 773 children per counselor.