Pike Bay, MN Education


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The education in Pike Bay, Minnesota is highly rated and well regarded. The local schools offer a variety of educational opportunities for both children and adults. Students can benefit from the exceptional teaching staff that is dedicated to providing students with a strong academic foundation and the skills necessary for success in their future endeavors. Parents have access to resources such as parent-teacher conferences, open houses, after-school activities and programs for special needs students. Additionally, the district provides free tutoring services for those who need additional academic support. Overall, the educational system in Pike Bay leaves much to be desired and provides an excellent starting point for students who wish to pursue a higher level of education later on.

Pike Bay schools spend $20,167 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 11 pupils per teacher, 566 students per librarian, and 385 children per counselor.

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  EducationPike Bay, MinnesotaUnited States
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