The education in Spicer, MN is highly rated and respected. It offers a wide range of educational resources for students of all ages. The school district has an excellent rating and provides an environment that encourages learning and growth. There are several elementary schools, middle schools, and a high school located within the city limits. Their educational opportunities include a strong curriculum as well as extra-curricular activities such as sports teams, clubs, and after-school programs. Local businesses also work closely with the local schools to provide resources for their students. In addition to the public schooling available, there are also many private schools available for those who need them. With these quality options, it is no surprise that Spicer, MN offers a great education for its citizens.
Spicer schools spend $11,569 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 701 students per librarian, and 852 children per counselor.