Aliceton, ND Education


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United States / North Dakota / No Metro Area / Ransom County / Aliceton / Zip Codes
Aliceton, ND is a small city with a population of around 3,000 people. Despite its size, the education in Aliceton is top notch and highly rated. The local school district offers excellent resources for students and families, including high quality teachers and staff, numerous extracurricular activities, up to date technology in the classrooms, and a comprehensive counseling program. The schools in Aliceton provide students with an opportunity to prepare them for college or other post secondary paths. Additionally, the community provides strong support for school initiatives such as after-school programs and innovative teaching methods. Overall, the education system in Aliceton receives positive reviews from parents, teachers, and students alike.

Aliceton schools spend $11,969 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 12 pupils per teacher, 306 students per librarian, and 317 children per counselor.

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  EducationAliceton, North DakotaUnited States
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