Whitestone Hill, ND Education


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United States / North Dakota / No Metro Area / Sargent County / Whitestone Hill / Zip Codes
Education in Whitestone Hill, ND is highly rated, with local schools receiving top marks from both parents and students. The quality of education offered in Whitestone Hill is consistently high, ensuring that the children of the community are provided with an excellent education. With its dedication to high educational standards and commitment to teaching excellence, Whitestone Hill has become a great place for families to send their children to receive an excellent education and thrive in their studies. All schools in the area have strong programs in math, science, English, history and other core subjects that ensure students receive a well-rounded educational experience. Additionally, many of the local schools offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities which allow students to explore their interests and develop skills outside of the classroom. In short, Whitestone Hill is providing its residents with some of the best educational opportunities available in North Dakota.

Whitestone Hill schools spend $12,805 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 12 pupils per teacher, 231 students per librarian, and 272 children per counselor.

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  EducationWhitestone Hill, North DakotaUnited States
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