Mogadore, OH is a small community located just outside of Akron in Portage County. The education system in Mogadore has been highly rated by the Ohio Department of Education, and the local schools strive to provide a quality education for all students. With teachers and administrators dedicated to student success, Mogadore ensures each student has access to resources that allows them to thrive and develop their skills. The classrooms are designed with modern technology to promote learning, which in turn enables students to become well-rounded individuals who will be ready for college or career after graduation. Local organizations also partner with the district to provide tutoring services and other enrichment programs, so that every student can find the support they need.
Mogadore schools spend $11,873 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 16 pupils per teacher, 283 students per librarian, and 727 children per counselor.