Blue Bell, PA Education


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Blue Bell, PA is known for its excellent education system. The schools in Blue Bell have consistently earned high ratings from multiple sources for providing an exceptional learning environment. This is due to a dedicated faculty and staff that work hard to ensure every student has the best chance of success. Programs such as advanced placement classes, dual enrollment courses, and specialized Learning Support Services are available to help students excel academically. Furthermore, local community resources are continually utilized to provide support and enrichment opportunities for students of all ages. Parents can rest assured that their children will be well-prepared for college and future career paths with the quality education provided in Blue Bell.

Blue Bell schools spend $17,843 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 247 students per librarian, and 300 children per counselor.

Education Degree by Location

  EducationBlue Bell, PennsylvaniaUnited States
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Over 11 years ago

Blue Bell is a very peaceful community that has a lot to offer! It fulfills all the shopping needs and holds a good number of great restaurants. The people are friendly  More

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Over 15 years ago

Living in Blue Bell has many advantages which make it a top place to live in the North Eastern US. The Wissahickon School District is one of the top in the State, and  More

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Over 18 years ago

I live in Blue Bell Pennsylvania, outside of Phila. It's a gated community. Close to Phila., weather seasonal, winters tend to be long and gray, but the rest are  More

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