Lewistown, Pennsylvania is a small town located in Mifflin County. The education within this community is of utmost importance and the local school district works hard to ensure that every student has the best possible chance for success. The school district boasts high ratings from the state and provides quality education to all its students. Academic programs are tailored to provide students with the skills needed for college readiness, while extracurricular activities give children an opportunity to explore interests outside of their studies. Additionally, Lewistown offers numerous clubs and organizations that allow students to make friends and develop meaningful relationships with peers. Overall, Lewistown’s educational system is well-equipped to provide its children with the necessary tools for success in both academic and personal development.
Lewistown schools spend $13,221 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 1,764 students per librarian, and 529 children per counselor.