Springdale, SC is a small town located in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. The town has excellent educational opportunities with a variety of school ratings and local education facilities available. In Springdale, there are three public schools which include two elementary schools and one middle school. All three schools boast high test scores and have exemplary student-teacher ratios. These schools also offer a wide range of academic and extracurricular activities for students to participate in as well as support programs to help those who may be struggling academically or emotionally. Parents can rest assured their children are getting an excellent education and will be supported by the teachers in the community. Springdale also has plenty of private educational institutions such as religious schools, online academies, after-school programs and summer camps that provide parents with plenty of options when it comes to their child's education. With its commitment to quality education, Springdale is an ideal place for families to live and for children to receive the best possible educational experience.
Springdale town (Lexington County) schools spend $10,040 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 15 pupils per teacher, 598 students per librarian, and 472 children per counselor.