Cherokee, AL County has a wide variety of education opportunities available, offering students the opportunity to attend public and private schools. The county is served by several school districts, including the Cherokee County School System which provides primary and secondary instruction for residents in the area. The school system is highly rated, with some schools achieving top marks on national exams. Additionally, there are several private and charter schools that offer alternative education options to families interested in exploring these options. All of these schools strive to provide students with the best educational experiences possible, from kindergarten through 12th grade. Students living in Cherokee can also take advantage of local community colleges and universities that offer college level classes and programs. No matter what educational path a student takes, they will have access to quality educational resources throughout their time in the county.
Cherokee County schools spend $9,317 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 14 pupils per teacher, 589 students per librarian, and 375 children per counselor.